Beauty Buffet Masks Review

Here's a review on Beauty Buffet Masks

Price: P44.00/each
Bought From: Watsons SM Aura
Other Locations: Available in all Watsons stores


I know sheet masks are luxuries, but I couldn't help but slap one on at least twice a week. Like what I said in another post, these are not so economical as they're good for one use only, but I've come to love how they have enhanced my 'Me Time' tremendously. Whenever I'll use one, I have to lay on the bed for a few minutes, quietly stare at the ceiling, breathe, and just be totally relaxed while the mask takes care of my skin. The short, still moment energizes me so much-I don't get to be this quiet anymore as I've been eternally busy. 

My recent favorite brand for sheet masks is Beauty Buffet because I love the selections aside from the fact that packaging's very cute! It was on a buy 2 for 59php sale so I hoarded. :) Dunno how long the promo will last though!

The photo on top shows you some of the variants-take note, they still have more! :) Let's look at the masks in detail after the jump!


Green Tea and Grape Seed

- Contains a protective concoction of Grape Seed and Green Tea to infuse skin with antioxidants and Vitamin C.

Charcoal and Cypress

- A deep pore cleansing mask. Charcoal removes excess oil while Cypress clears the pores.

White Tea and Gingko

- Revitalizes skin with White Tea, while Gingko helps address early signs of aging.

COQ10 and Yogurt

- Yogurt fortifies and firms skin and CO Q10 helps with aging.

Apple and Evening Primrose

- Apple helps refine skin texture while Evening Primrose works well at night and helps repair skin during sleep.

Caviar and Biopeptide

- Caviar smooths skin and Biopeptide is good for aging skin.


It's as cool and watery as the other facial masks I have encountered, but the material of Beauty Buffet's sheet mask is exceptionally thin. That said, handle 'em with care. I particularly love Charcoal and Cypress for its intense cooling properties, while I like Apple and Evening Primrose for its scent. I've been using sheet masks continuously for a month, and I've noticed that my skin looked really plump and healthy. Now I know how sheet masks are supposed to work!

TIP: Place sheet masks in the freezer an hour before usage. This way, they'll have a better pore minimizing effect!

Beauty Buffet is my favorite mask now because it works just fine, is affordable, and variety's impressive! Have you tried this brand? Do share your thoughts on the comment section below! :)


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  1. i have tried using facial masks and like you, I love the quiet and relaxing time it gives me... these masks are so affordable! :)

  2. i saw this on watsons, bibili na sana ako then naaalala ko yung post mo dati Ms. M na you're moisturizer can do what sheet masks can hehehe so di na ako bumili. Pero ngayon after reading your review Im hoping it's still on sale. :)

  3. ive tried this one when i saw they're sold for 2pcs at 59php i love the Caviar and Biopeptide and Green Tea and Grape Seed

    i saw ms sabs 7day masking experience and i do agree that masking alone can also help improve skin condition, but way expensive =(

    i prefer this kind of masking than those of peel off mask, this is more relaxing for me, since all you have to do is wash your face.. dry.. and then put this on..

  4. I never tried yet but will try soon, i have a few masks her from Hayan. To be honest, I am really ignorant about facial mask, because its just recently when I felt the urge to try. I hope to also try this brand soon too after i empty my stocks here.

  5. I never tried sheet masks before but I will be able to try soon :D.. just got one from a giveaway... Sana on sale pa so I could also try this one. I admit, I sometimes take no notice of most products from Watsons especially if I haven't heard them before, ... but now, I might be more adventurous in testing some products there.

  6. I used to use them. Hihi. Stopped but will use again. :)

  7. I'm a fan of face masks too, so when I read this post I got excited and went to watsons' nearest to me. Unfortunately when I searched and ask the sales ladies about the product, they didn't have or even knew what was beauty buffet masks that I was talking about.1 :(

  8. Chai: Hi and welcome to my blog! :) Glad you found this informative. :)

    Betsbygolly: Oh. :( Maybe your local Watsons branch is not carrying it yet? Hope it'll be available there soon!

    Sie: Why? I think you should because based from experience, it really helps re-texturize skin. :)

    Juvy: Watsons. :) Mentioned that in the post. :)

    Leilani: Hayan is good also-I have a review :)

    Winnie: Watsons has a lot of products that aren't that popular, but good and this is one of the examples. I'm looking forward to trying out the Filipino brands in there. :)

    Rhain: Yeah, I agree that it's really a luxury, but if I'm not mistaken, this is way cheaper than the Watsons' exclusive sheet mask.

    Stephanie: I'd still stand by with what I said though. I'm using sheet masks more for relaxation. :)

    Issa: yes, I think it's the most affordable sheet mask out there. :)

  9. Hi. I am a user of beauty buffet facial mask. I use the Vitamin C + Neroli variant which revitalize and brighten my face. Nice review!keep up the good work

  10. I have an oily/combination skin and I use is charcoal & cypress FM. It minimize my pores and controls the oil. I use it once a week. I recommend this for oily skin gals out there 😉


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