Here's my initial review on Maybelline's Cat Eyes Mascara.

This baby promises optimum volume and curl up to 75%. I actually been lemming for one since this came out but I had to empty my Chanel Inmitable first.

Okay, so I like the tiger print on the cap because it's in black and pink. 

So here's the mascara wand, it's a comb- wand, the newest innovation in lash wand technology. What's the reason behind comb wands? Because it's good for applying mascara while fixing your lashes at the same time. This helps in avoiding clumps, whenever there's no lash comb within you reach.

I find the comb wand very helpful but the only con would be, unlike bristled wands, this has the tendency to group (aka clump) your lashes, making 'em look thick, but a bit sparse. But at least it kinda' reaches the little hairs on the edges. But at least it can be a lash separator so a little drying of the mascara on the wand can make the comb a lash separator once your lashes clump.

Sorry for the clumpy lashes, I still have to get used to this "new lash wand technology". I wasn't really impressed with the results. The comb wand will take a bit of getting used to. 

But in all fairness to this product, my lashes were curled for around 2 hours and a pinch of an eyelash curler can make your eyes look wider and more awake.

I'm pretty sure that the Cat Eyes formula is wonderful, but the comb wand just didn't give justice to it. If it were in the bristled wand form, I'm pretty sure this will impart to my lashes the new brilliant formula Maybelline has developed. That's the wonder of bristled wands. They aid in making the mascara on your lashes look natural once applied.

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  1. I was uging the max factor duo mascara that had the comb want on one side. It needed a little practice, but when I learned how to do it, it did miracles. Oh boy did my lashes look awesome!

    I think all you need to do is practice, practice and practice :)

  2. thanks for this Martha.. I'm really planning to have this after I'm done w/ my in2it. Thanks for the advice also, don't worry I don't want to be slash P 170 per day! I just eat it as alternative to fast foods... I'm into fruits and veggie right now.

  3. ohh!
    i have 2 comb mascaras with me...i will open them up as soon as im done with featherlash & full n soft..

    i guess these kind of mascara wands will take a while in getting used to

    but since its said to do wonders, then that's good

  4. tamara: yeah. i took that into consideration though. i have to practice because i've always believed in mascaras by maybelline :D

    gracie: no prob. it's a great product, so to speak. :) have a great diet! oh, you might wanna check the ABS POWER DIET. It was the diet i did and in a 2 mos, i lost 9 pounds. I've been doing this diet 4 months now. It's really effective and i'm planning to stick with it for life! :D

    thiamere: yup. maybelline always has the best mascaras. :D

  5. I agree with Thiamere, because I'm a maybelline fan when it comes to Mascaras =)


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