Last November 11, I held the much- awaited annual party for my #TBJBeshies, TBJ 14th Mega Anniversary online celebration. The theme for this year was WOMENFEST where we talked about things that empowered and inspired self- love and self- care among women by women. The concept of the event was mainly inspired by my journey this year: this year, I have fully realized how important it is to take care of our health, to welcome change, and to be brave enough to put yourself first even if that means leaving familiar territories-momentous decisions that reflect what true self- love is.

 The event started with a manifesto that I write every year. I shared my realizations with the TBJ Beshies and the take away of my manifesto is: most of the time, we think we love ourselves genuinely, but if we examine our situations carefully, we will see clearly that a lot of the situations we're in don't necessarily reflect true self love. True self- love is finding the courage to leave situations that no longer serve you, remove people who cause nothing but pain and exhaustion in your life, and finding comfort in change and the unknown because you know that it will change you immensely.

For our first talk, I shared my best beauty finds for 2023 from our partner brands.

Our second talk was called FEED YOUR FACE by Em Francisco, nutritionist for Amway Philippines. Em discussed the importance of eating healthy so that our skin will look and stay healthy. Skin care won't be as effective if your diet is bad. And one important thing that I've learned from Ms. Em is that sugary foods can exacerbate eczema, which is what I've dealt with this entire 2023. Now I know why it doesn't seem to go away!

We also had a Q&A for our guests.

Our final talk for the celebration was called BE THE CEO OF YOUR LIFE with Aiza Diuco, founder and CEO of Glupa. Aiza has shared with us tidbits of knowledge and wisdom on how to manage personal and business finances, time management, and work-life balance and integration. 

My most favorite part of her talk was when she showed vulnerability and shared the many challenges Glupa has faced, especially during the pandemic. Apart from it made her more relatable to the TBJ Beshies, it was nice to learn how she was able to weather the storms with grace and the sheer courage to try again. Not everyone has the courage to be vulnerable especially in this day and age where there's so much pressure on everyone to succeed and to stay successful; the ability to be vulnerable is admirable in itself and frankly, an important trait that entrepreneurs and professionals must develop in order to grow as individuals; I'm happy that Aiza was able to teach us this valuable lesson in her segment!

And for the last part of our program was the announcement of the donation to this year's beneficiary, MBY PET SANCTUARY, VIB Mega Giveaway winners draw, and final remarks. 

You might ask, "what happened to Billion Dollar Brow Workshop?"

I have finally decided to end the Billion Dollar Brow workshop series because I just felt that it was time to move on from that talk. Because by this time, I'm sure that the TBJ Beshies already know how to fix and groom their brows using this method plus there are a dime a dozen brow tutorials out there that will help everyone ace their brow game. It was a good 7 or 8 years of doing the Billion Dollar Brow workshop and I hope that it has helped and is continually helping all the TBJ Beshies improve their daily brow routines! That was fun, it was a good run, but now it's done. :) I hope the TBJ Beshies will keep the spirit of Billion Dollar Brow workshop alive by passing it on and teaching makeup newbies our secret to fantastic brows. ;)

That's a wrap. Thank you again to all our brand partners, TBJ Mega Anniversary team, and of course, the TBJ Beshies for making this year's anniversary a resounding success. Thanks for having my back again this year and let's do it again next year on #TBJ15THMEGAANNIVERSARY!

If you want to watch the livestream celebration, watch HERE!

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