This is probably the best affordable blush that you can buy

Ever Bilena Powder Blush review, price, demo

PRICE: P250.00
FROM: Free
OTHER LOCATIONS: Available in all leading department stores and drugstores

Ever Bilena powder blush review price demo morena filipina beauty blog

One of the makeup products that I have used for the longest time and I think will never outgrow is the good ol' Ever Bilena blush. I have discovered it in my college freshman year and have been using it since because it's such a good value for money. Whenever I'm asked which affordable blush I would recommend, this baby is always part of my list.

Over the years, this good ol' favorite of mine has changed and this time around, I think I like it more plus there are new shades to try!

Ever Bilena powder blush review price demo morena filipina beauty blog
Ever Bilena's revamped blush range features six new shades made for fair to warm skin tones. According to the brand, it's a silky, hydrating blush that's infused with Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Castor Oil.

Ever Bilena powder blush review price demo morena filipina beauty blog
The packaging is very cool. I like the transparent, ice cube- inspired packaging and it has elevated the product. Previously, the blushes came in small black compacts with a clear cover and comparing this new packaging with the previous one, I think these look more trendy and classy.

Ever Bilena powder blush review price demo morena filipina beauty blog
Here are the swatches: Rosy Glow (muted rose pink), Dazzling Barbie (cool brick pink), Golden Hour soft peachy mauve with a hint of shimmer), Fever Dream (poppy red), Peachy Pink (midtone peach (nothing pink in here though), and Heatwave (deep fuchsia-red).

One big reason why I love Ever Bilena's blushes is it's one of those products that scream 'value for money'; for something so affordable, it's unbelievable that these blushes perform the way they do: texture is silky, color payoff is consistent, it's very buildable despite being pigmented, and a pan lasts for a very long time. I would even say something controversial: these blushes are highly comparable to MAC, Bobbi Brown, and Laura Mercier blushes. 

Ever Bilena powder blush review price demo morena filipina beauty blog
wearing Rosy Glow

One of my favorites is Rosy Glow. As you can see, the blush doesn't look powdery at all and it is seamlessly blended on my skin. Take note, I've layered the blush twice already and it still looks natural. 

Another great feature of these blushes? They last long, which makes them a great makeup kit staple in this oven toaster weather of ours.

If there's any caveat that I can think of, it's just that they should name the shades more accurately. Other than that, no qualms because as I said, this is one of my long- time affordable makeup staples!

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