Let's look at Eskinol's Dermaclear- C Overnight Pimple Gel.

This costs around 90php (?)- 120php (?). You can find this in your local supermarkets and personal care boutiques. It contains Dermaclear- C, which fights pimple causing bacteria, and Salicylic Acid, which dries up pimples fast. It promises to dry up your pimples overnight so you don't have to worry about the lingering pain from scratching your pimples accidentally.


I started using this around 2005 and I have been using it until now, which goes to show how effective this baby is. I used to have break- outs during 2005 because of school stress then this product just popped out in one of the billboards in the sea of billboards in EDSA. I decided in giving it a shot because I have smooth skin so one pimple would literally stick out like a sore thumb on my face. I hate how it attracts attention because even in you peripheral vision, you could see that pimple on my face! :D

So it promised to dry up my pimples overnight. It's in a clear gel form and it smells like the Eskinol face toner trademark scent. As a precaution for those who have sensitive skin, the gel stings upon application, but only on the parts where you put it. It may be sort of unbearable for some, but I am really desperate to get rid of the pimples so I endured the stinging sensation. And in a way, I kinda' liked the sting. :) But don't worry, the stinging sensation fades eventually after a few minutes. The tube also said that it will cause a stinging sensation due to it's active ingredients.

So I slept with the gel on my pimples and when I woke up, I could feel the pimple's kinda, dry, because I could feel that it has become a bit scratchy already, which is a sign that it's already drying up. I decided to apply it on the second night and when I woke up, the white mucous inside the pimple is sooo visible, a good popping will get rid of the whole pimple. But I learned that it ain't good to pop pimples so I let it stay and let the gel do the work. I kept on applying the gel up to four days and the white mucous has dried and the remains of the pimple are already good to pluck. Sans the pain and yuckiness. 

REMINDER: Please, do not ever apply this on bleeding and open pimples because it might burn your pores. Best thing to do, DON'T EVER POP YOUR PIMPLES because it's not a good idea. You let the bacteria spread through the white mucous, causing your face more pimples.

It did not live up to it's promise to dry my pimples overnight, but four days ain't that bad. Think of this, instead of waiting for weeks for the pimple to heal, it only took me four days. Imagine, I will only spend a week or two waiting for the discoloration to fade to my natural skin tone instead of waiting for the whole pimple to heal. That's just a total of 1- 2 weeks of pimple combat instead of a month!

I have a combination skin type, which means my t- zone areas are oily, but the rest are not. I am not super sensitive, so I guess that's why it didn't do my face any harm. I did not develop any redness nor have developed any wounds in the course of my 4- year use of this product. Most importantly, it did not worsen my pimples. For safety purposes, especially for those who have hyper sensitive skin, it's better to consult your dermatologist first, because self- medication is not always the best. You know your skin more. If you would want to use this right away, up to you.

I'm telling you, this product is really good! I don't have to spend thousands for proactiv, obagi or branded blemish- fighting products, nor hundreds for L'oreal and Garnier. Btw, in my 4- year use, I only emptied two tubes of this product. It reaaaallllyy goes a long way. I know it ain't a good practice to stock up products that long but as far as I'm concerned, my face is still at it's best condition. As a final reminder, don't look up to what I've done just because you would like to save, like me. Don't worry, this product will not cost you a fortune, so I suggest you replace it after a few months. This practice may have worked for me, but it might not work for some.

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