CYRANO Isang Sarsuwela is not your usual Cyrano de Bergerac. Although it retains Edmond Rostand's original plot of unrequited love, question of beauty and the relentless battle against compromise it has now been adapted to tell a more familiar story: ours.

Now set in 1940's Manila, among young ROTC cadets and blushing collegialas, the play shows the innocence and freedom of a rising nation. Sarsuwela, harana, camaraderie, chivalry, passion and wit abound! However, World War II strikes and virtue, honor & love are tested, the young now forced to suddenly become men. The play moves to a time after the war, to a field of ruble, of forgotten memories and an ever-changing country. At the center of it all, the famous unrequited loves of Cyrano, Roxane and Christian.

CYRANO, with its use of rock-sarsuwela, creates a dialogue with the audience. Amidst the milieu, the music creates a conversation with the young through the engaging fusion of a rock band and a string quartet.

CYRANO is an engaging, meaningful and relevant play. Truly, it is a play of laughter, tears and panache.


Contact Details:
For more details, please call Cat at (63 906) 577-7921.

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