I had a great time last Thursday with the people from Yehey and Pascual Laboratories during the launch of their newest supplement line, A! Life.

A! Life is the answer to the health needs of the modern woman. The daily hustle and bustle can affect our internal and external health, that's why we need to take care of ourselves with the right supplements.

The launch was held at Heaven and Earth Tian- Di Urban Spa (which is a hidden gem at the heart of San Juan, by the way). People from the press, media, and bloggers were exclusively invited to take part in the launch.

The event was hosted by the quirky Ms. Bianca Valerio, and the ambassadors of the products graced the launch as well. Shawn Yao (Posture), Lucy Torres (Control), Lexie Schulze (Protect), Patti Betita (Restore), and Lorraine Lapus (Energy) are truly the right women to represent the brand.

The event also featured different workshops for women to pamper themselves, as well as to educate them regarding the importance of taking care of one's health. I was invited to conduct a coffee scrub making workshop, and to deliver a talk about the importance of antioxidants, and how free radicals can gravely damage our skin and health. I had such a blast because I did not know that A LOT of the guests wanted to partake in my session! :) The participants were very receptive, and we had a great time making the coffee scrub! Wish I had more time to talk further about antioxidants and free radicals because I wanted to share a lot of useful information to them.

Styupeed me. I completely forgot that I brought my LX3 with me. I wasn't able to document the event! At least, I have a few. If I find more pics, I will update this entry. I also saw Mrs. Martinez and Ms. Rowena of Animetric's World in the event. :)

Karen Santos, Joey Ruaro, and yours truly posing with cheerful smiles on our faces after the successful launch. :)

Karen conducted the Facial Workshop, Joey is one of the brains behind the event (hence the didn't-have-the-time-to-put-makeup-'cos-I'm-super-busy look :D), and moi, coffee scrub queen. :)

Ms. Patti Betita

Ms. Lexie Schulze. So happy to see and work with her again!

If you love your life, better take care of your health so you'll make the most out of living. Here is the complete line of A! Life's supplement. There's no reason to skip your supplements because Pascual Laboratories has developed this line to match every woman's health need. :)

A! Life Protect is an antioxidant that contains PHYCNOGENOL, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.

A! Life Posture helps bones become stronger as they age.

A! Life Trim lets you enjoy your sugary meal sans the guilt and fat!

A! Life Energy contains MALUNGGAY extract which helps you feel more invigorated and energized all throughout the day!

A! Life's Restore is one of the firsts. It contains HYALURONIC ACID, a natural acid found in the skin. Orally taken Hyaluronic acid helps lessen the appearance of age signs on the skin.

A! Life Control blocks starch that spikes up sugar in the bloodstream, which leads to excessive stored fats in the body.

Went home happy 'cos I gained a lot of friends and acquired a lot of freebies! :D

A! Life Protect and Energy supplements.

A! Life pouch and more supplement samples.


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  1. Hello
    Nice to see you at the event! Too bad we didn't have the time to take our pictures together ; (

  2. mrsm: onga eh! sayang. :( hope to see you soon :)

  3. Thanks for helping us out with the event, Martha! Glad to know that you had fun! :)

  4. michelle: super! :D Till our next partnership. :D


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