Do you want to know what Ashton Kutcher and Oprah Winfrey's choices are for brownies?

It's Dello Mano.

Screen shot taken from COURIER MAIL AUSTRALIA

My hubby's aunt's daughter-in-law is the brain behind Dello Mano. Dello Mano is a Spanish term meaning 'of the hand'. The name of the brand speaks for the products: lovingly hand- crafted personal dessert recipes. The husband (son of hubby's aunt) and the wife are now working together on their growing business. Dello Mano originated in Brisbane, and is making waves all across the globe because of Ashton Kutcher and Oprah Winfrey.

The aunt, Tita Nena came to the Philippines for a vacation with her husband, Tito Ernie. They gave me five pieces of luxury brownies from Dello Mano as their pasalubong. I've been looking forward to sinking my teeth again on these tasty brownies for a year now! After a brief visit to hubby's house, Tita Nena told me the story behind the fame of these brownies.

How did Ashton and Dello Mano meet? Ashton was in Brisbane for a shoot, and the hotel he stayed in is serving Dello Mano brownies. He had complimentary brownies in his room. He tasted it, and he said that 'It was good.' So it's tantamount to saying that it was' Okay.'

Ashton left Brisbane just in time for him to celebrate his birthday in Paris. The hotel manager or owner (I totally forgot this part) asked what he wanted for his birthday (it's a way of appreciating his visit, perhaps). Ashton asked for two boxes of Dello Mano luxury brownies. 'Good' was his way of saying that he loves it!

The brownies traveled from Brisbane to Paris overnight via Etihad Airways. And since then, Dello Mano was all over the news. Oprah Winfrey loves the luxury brownies as well. As a tribute, Dello Mano created the 'Oprah My Goodness (OMG)' brownies.

Around a year or two ago, my hubby's mom pulled out a couple of brownies straight from the freezer right after dinner. I'm not a fan of brownies, even though the concept of 'Chilled Brownies' seemed nice. I was never a fan of the dessert. I know you wouldn't understand, but I just don't like it.

But Dello Mano changed my perspective. I am loving Brownies now! The moment I tasted these bite- sized fudge brownies, I knew that it was love at first bite. They're soft, smooth, and creamy, with an explosion of chocolatey goodness bite after bite. They're best eaten when chilled. The brownies are soft by nature, and the oil seeps through the foil if they become warm. But whether it's warm or cold, it still tastes great!

Regardless if Oprah and Ashton discovered Dello Mano, they're still worthy of attention because these fudge brownies taste really good. The taste is beyond words!

I'll be evil for a moment and will keep these brownies to myself. Here's what I got.

Espresso and walnut brownie has a shot of coffee accompanied by creamy walnuts. Delectable!

For weight watchers, you can still enjoy these luxury brownies through their Gluten- free variant.

Ginger and orange make lovely music together in this Ginger and Orange brownie rendition.

My Dello Mano soldiers ready to face my jaws of death! Muhahahah!

Dello Mano brownies are sold in different sizes and in per box orders. I'm not quite sure if they sell it individually. Per box costs $35. But if you think that it's too steep for a box of good ol' brownies, I'm telling you, these brownies are so rich (but not overwhelming), I'm sure you wouldn't be able to finish a piece! The box is good for a couple of eats. That is, if you can resist the temptation. But in my case, I can eat 5 in one sitting!

My personal favorite (due to my dieting state as well) is the Gluten Free Classic Brownie. These fudge brownies melt right in your mouth and leaves you wanting more. I would love to gorge on these gluten free goodies right after a work out!

Visit DELLO MANO and drool at their finest offerings. Brownies have never tasted this good!!! And if you're visiting Australia, never miss out on Dello Mano. :)

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  1. drrooooling here! waaaaa I want one!

  2. hollie: hay, if I can only let you guys taste it. :p

  3. Now, I'm craving for these lovely brownies!! :)

  4. nini: if you have the chance, by all means, try it! :D


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