Coffee Conversations: Your Greatest Fear Is Not What You Think It Is

1 A.M.- Since summer is just around the corner, the BF and I decided to look for beach escapade bargains online (aka Groupon shopping) while checking our emails and youtube-ing on the side.

The BF interrupted our search and decided to show me a beautiful site called “The Greatest Fear.” It was so inspiring, that we had to stop searching for bargains and strike our usual coffee conversations.

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Our Greatest Fear of POWER is the mother of all our fears.

Here’s one of the many interesting topics the BF and I have talked about. Money is (and will always be) an issue, so I’ve chosen it for this post.

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Person: Naku. Ayoko maging kasing yaman ni (insert the name of a very rich person that first comes to mind). Mayaman nga, pero sigurado ako madami namang may ayaw sa kanya!
(Oh, I don’t want to be as rich as (insert the name of a very rich person that first comes to mind). He/She might be rich, but I’m sure everyone hates him/her!)


Funny, because we hate power, yet deep within us, there is a yearning to become very successful.

Almost all people in the world would give up on their dream of having fame, power, and fortune, and they keep masking these things as “evil and unworthy goals”. They’d rather die poor, but happy and pure. FYI, Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE FOR MONEY is the root of all evil (you can even find this verse in the bible)—and these are two very different concepts. Whatever you think of money, money will become. If you use it to take advantage of others, it will be evil. But if you use it to do good, it will be the source of all good. I am so sure that what I've said in the latter part have crossed our minds, yet we still hang on to our twisted beliefs about money. Why? Because 1.) We're not really afraid of money and acquiring it. We're afraid of being consumed by its power. 2.) We fear losing power. 3.) We think we don't have the power to control it.

"The best way to help the poor is to not become poor."

If you’re gonna ask me, Yeah. I want to be so rich—like Billionaire rich. I want to be so popular---like Oprah Winfrey popular. And I don’t think these are unworthy goals. Why? Because I want to help and inspire a lot of people. How can I help if I don’t have enough myself? And how can I inspire if I’m not an inspiration myself? Before bringing us into the world, God has already destined us to all the beautiful, prosperous, and abundant things, just like how our parents planned our future when we were still inside our mothers’ wombs. But we decide to stay in the dark because we fear the God within us, and we stay forever blind to all the abundant opportunities that come our way.


As much as I want to share more topics the BF and I have tackled, I’m afraid it will take me forever to write everything here, not to mention it will take you forever to read it.


What I’m trying to tell you is just simple: Your greatest success is hidden beneath your greatest fear, and your greatest fear is not what you think. Before you go on and endlessly complain on how to pay your bills, make ends meet, about lack of money, lack of stuff, and hate those who have everything in this world, you must be neglecting one thing---your own Power. Find it, use it (and use it to pay your bills), step into the light, and fulfill the abundant life God has given you from the very beginning. Go on, don’t be afraid to use your own Power. There’s a reason why God brought you into this world—and that is for you to inspire and empower others.

Have a happy and empowered work week, everyone. :D

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  1. 1 Timothy 6:10. Oh so true Ms.Martha, i also love that verse from the bible, we all know that Money is not the cause of the evil things in the world but those persons who used to take the advantage of harming others thru the use of their money. Like whawt you've quoted, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil", that's the moment na nagiging masama ito. I think i can relate another bible verse to it saying, "Mas mabuti ang nagbibigay kaysa, tumatanggap". This is a wonderful post from you :) I love this line : "Your greatest success is hidden beneath your greatest fear, and your greatest fear is not what you think.". There's a reason for everything. And we all have our own way to make our self bright and share that brightness to others. Thanks for this post Ms.Martha! HAve a great Monday!

  2. "Your greatest success is hidden beneath your greatest fear, and your greatest fear is not what you think."

    This gives me something to think about, but I will say too that knowing and facing one's greatest fear are the hurdles one would face in order to meet his/her greatest success.


  3. jen: "Mas mabuti ang nagbibigay kaysa, tumatanggap".

    I would have to disagree with this, though. You have to receive in order to give. :) How can people drink from a well if it has already dried up? :)

    have a great Monday too. :)

    Tanya: that's why we should know what our greatest fear is, and overcome it. :) have a great day. :)

  4. it is an awesome way of looking at fear...I have never looked at it in this perspective...I have always thought about it differently...:( But now that you somehow know what the root is, it will become easier to help oneself..Thanks Martha!

  5. super agree.. it will always be an issue to everyone.. it will build or destroy lives, family, relationships, among others.. But let's keep in mind that money is just a good servant.. That's all! :)


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