VANGIE: The Pinoy Siri

I think I'm the only person who isn't so keen on getting an iPhone 4S. I'm fine with my iPhone 4, and I'm looking forward to the release of iPhone 5.

I'm pretty sure Siri is a fun upgrade to the already high- tech iPhone 4, but I figured that I would be paying extra bucks for something that will not really work in the Philippines. For instance, GPS does not work here. Also, we have tons of named and unnamed streets and alleys, not to mention our street, highways, and road names are ever- changing, and Siri would have a major headache trying to locate a local destination. Lastly, I'd rather share some of my secrets, problems, and stories to my human friends than tell them all to Siri.

But if it were iPhone 4V, I would've gotten one for myself. iPhone 4 Vangie was designed to complement the Filipino lifestyle, and built to suit our needs as Filipinos.

Here's a VERY funny video about Vangie, the Pinoy virtual assistant. The video also features some of my talented peers in the theatre. Enjoy! :)

Apart from the funny Siri spoof, Vangie is also a commentary on our colorful culture, and what it's like to be a Filipino. In fact, I think we're the only ones who have made our own version of the Spaghetti! Vangie is all about fun--it's all about us! And that's what makes it more fun in the Philippines. :)

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  1. hahaha! Believe it or not, I am using an analog phone.AS IN black and white pa,,not even colored :) I prefer this coz typing is much faster and I always lose my cellphone in the past :( Pero cool nga ni Vangie..heheh

  2. leilani: hahaha. yeah, hope someone can really invent this. hahaha!

  3. hahaha.. Nice Vangie.. really our pinoy virtual assistant! hahaha.. :D


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