April Commenter of The Month+My Gift to one loyal reader this May

Hello guys! April has been a great month for me! (and I hope you all had a grand April too) I've finally graduated, acquired my second LV bag, went on a beach trip with the BF, and finally planned out my business with my partner. :) I'm so ready for May! :D

I'm now announcing my April COM. She will win this awesome gift pack from SkinWhite plus a Camaru Naturals Bamboo Charcoal Soap. :)


Gellie Abogado of So Gelleesh! :D

Thanks Gellie for being a long- time fan. I truly appreciate it when you said in one of your posts that I inspire you a lot in this thing called Beauty Blogging. Keep up your awesome work. :D

**Gellie, prizes are only good for 10 days. Please email your full name, complete address, and cellphone number to martha.stabarbara@yahoo.com :)

This May, I'm giving away this brand new and latest Mosbeau Placenta White Food Supplement to one lucky TBJ reader.

It's an all-in-one supplement that whitens, brightens, repairs, protects, replenishes, rejuvenates, reinvigorates, and restores youthfulness. (Whew!) Thanks to its 10 powerful ingredients. It has 60 tablets to last you for 2 months. That time frame should be good enough for you to see the results. And ladies, this bottle costs P2,580.00. :D

I will also throw in some Mosbeau pamphlets plus a Mosbeau paper bag. :D

Same mechanics my beloved readers. :) Just follow these simple steps:

1. The commenter of the month will start on the first day of the month until the last day of the month.
2. The COM will be picked and announced via a blog entry on the first day of the following month.
3. The chosen COM should send his/her contact details, full name, and complete address to martha.stabarbara@yahoo.com.
4. Unclaimed gift/s within 10 days will invalidate the win of the chosen commenter, and another commenter will be chosen.
5. All bloggers are welcome to join. It is not necessary that you are a follower of my blog or from Blogger. If you are not a blogger but would still like to comment on my posts, you're still a qualified candidate.

**The COTM will be based on overall monthly visits, and frequency of relevant and useful comments made on my posts. I appreciate queries, suggestions, and other useful thoughts that you can think of. Consistency is key, my dear readers. And please, no spamming. TY! :)

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  1. congrats gellie!!!
    mosbeau is such a good product. ive been taking it for almost a year already. indeed, it restores youthfulness and brightens the skin...and it doesn't give me zits.

  2. hi gellie congrats!!! fab pic =)

  3. Yay!! Congrats To ms. Gellie :3

  4. Bongga! Thanks, Martha! I won without even having the intention to win. I just frequent your blog, read and comment... :)

  5. Congratulations Ms. Gellie!♥
    You deserve it!♥♥

  6. Congrats Gellie! :)
    I've been following this blog for updates (in fact I've bookmarked it), although I admit I'm a silent lurker here and rarely comment...I am just dropping by to say this blog is the most informative beauty blog I've ever read...each day before work, I religiously check on updates which truly helped me a lot in my quest for a more beautiful me (I guess that is every woman's heart's desire)...keep up the great work! =D

  7. congrats! i am just a rookie fun here but got totally hooked with this blog for ..uhmmm 6hours-straight! hw bwt that?! ^_^ God bless beauty junkie!


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