FAN MAIL FRIDAYS: How to prevent Acne from getting bad

I just wanna share that COSRX is freakin' amazing! I'm using their two new popular products, Original Clear Pads and Low pH Gel and my face has been better since! Also Foreo! Ahhhh! I'm excited to talk about these products. I'll do so soon, but today, let's help out Toni with her breakout problem:

Hi Martha,
I'm breaking out at the moment. I did everything I could to try to put a stop to the it, but looks like it's getting worse. How do I remedy this?

Hi Toni!

Thanks for writing!

Oh no! Breaking out is always the worst. :( Aside from those painful zits, they also dampen our day.

A lot of people will always try to over medicate when simple breakouts happen, but sometimes, it's not the best way to do it; most of the time, it gets worse! I've learned the hard way!

Here are some easy tips that you can do in the event of an acne breakouts. They're surprisingly simple and don't require you to rush to the mall and get a new set of anti-acne skin care!


- Some breakouts are triggered when we use new skin care or while we're in the middle of using our current one. When all of a sudden you break out, take a step back and observe what's breaking you out in your skin care. Could it be one or two of the ingredients? The formula? The consistency? It will also help greatly if you are aware of various skin care ingredients that are likely to cause negative skin reactions so it's best to read up on them. Also, keep a skin care diary and take note of certain products with similar ingredients/formulas that are breaking you out to avoid it in the future.


- Certain foods like seafood, nuts, dairy, and egg may aggravate acne so while you're having an episode, steer clear for a while.


- I got this from a dermatologist. She said that when her patients are currently experiencing a breakout, she would advise them to go back to the very simple and basic cleanse-tone-moisturize routine to give the skin a break and to rule out possible allergens. She also added to use gentle products to prevent the situation from worsening.


- Stress and lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalance and make breakouts worse so go get your beauty sleep and as much as possible, avoid stress.


- When things get worse, don't self- medicate anymore, go see a dermatologist to address this problem. On another note, it's always best practice to see a dermatologist in the event of a breakout, most especially if you have sensitive skin.

Hope this list helps! Have a great Friday, everyone!

**Got a burning question on beauty, makeup, skin care, fitness, diet, exercise, blogging, relationships, marriage or anything under the sun? Message me via Contact Form, email me at, or send me a message at THE BEAUTY JUNKEE OFFICIAL FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.

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  1. Having breakouts is a problem for me also ❤ thank you for the Tips ate Martha definitely gonna keep them in mind 💕 Cant wait for more thoughts on COSRX products

  2. Ms. Martha I am fortunate Kasi Hindi ako Yung tao na madaling magka pimple ko unlike sis hubby :( and may pag asa din Po ba na mawawala pa Yung mga pimple mark nya?

  3. Avoiding dairy, seafood and egg is so hard even avoiding stress huhuhu but I always go back to the basic routine talaga with I got a worse breakout. I use Lactacyd baby blue as my facial wash and celeteque for my toner and moisturizer so far so good. It’s been a staple skin care to me even if I switch to other products sometimes :)

  4. This really helps a lot for me too pero di naman ako marami mag pimples pa isa isa or dalawa lang pero sobra na akong nagwoworry madalas kasi puyat na isa pala sa main reasons kaya ngkaka pimples .

  5. So true! I'm actually very cautious when eating or drinking daily. Almond milk is a good alternative (tho it's a bit pricey for me). Sticking to the basic skin care is also really good.

  6. Relate! Oily and acne prone here. I switch to gentle skincare too. Cetaphil facial wash, Human Nature toner and NR Aloe Vera gel works on me. Kaso yung acne marks naman problema after huhu


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