The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today

Self- Care is one of the biggest topics online in the last few months and I believe that it needs to be discussed more because we have to understand that it is needed, especially in a time that hustling-even to our own physical, spiritual, and mental detriment- has become the norm; add to that, we have other social, economical, and urban problems to deal with on a daily basis (hello, traffic!).

We've always been known as the "most resilient nation"; while that is true, it shouldn't be used as an excuse for us to neglect our overall health, from the mind, body, and spirit. Daily macro and micro aggression will definitely wear you down at some point so you have to make it a point to stop and think about yourself too; you cannot pour from an empty cup so you have to be full and whole if you want to be of efficient service to others.

So let's talk about self- care today.

The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today dove body wash morena filipina blog
In Dove's latest event, they highlighted the importance of self- care, even in the simplest means such as a gratifying showering experience using the finest body care products like Dove.

Dove's nourishing body wash are one of my favorites simply because it's economical, smells good, and has three variants that I can choose from to suit my mood and current skin needs:

DOVE DEEPLY NOURISHING BODY WASH FOR SENSITIVE SKIN- for sensitive skin and in times when I just want a fragrance- free showering experience.
DOVE DEEPLY NOURISHING BODY WASH GENTLE EXFOLIATING- for that extra clean through gentle exfoliating beads; exfoliates well, but gently.

What's more is the rich formula of Dove's body wash cleans like soap, but feels like lotion to the skin; no ma, no dry skin around here!

I cannot stress enough; self- care is important because you are important. That said, here are some ways to give yourself that much- needed self- care on a daily basis.

The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today dove body wash morena filipina blog

- Bathing time, to me, is a simple yet important personal ritual; it's a way to prepare yourself for the day and the act of cleansing is an act of showing appreciation for your body. However, it's been associated with rushing, stress, and anxiety because it's part of the system that we do right before going to work, which oftentimes stresses the heck out of us!

Disassociate bath time from stressful and anxious energy by giving yourself a long bath either at the end of the day or during the weekend; it's just you, your happy thoughts, and your favorite bath products; don't think about work or your boss's opinion; just think about your body, your skin, and your mind, and thank them for being of service to you for the whole week. While you're at it, congratulate yourself for pulling through the week!

The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today dove body wash morena filipina blog

- Stress can manifest itself physically as sore muscles, muscle tension, headache, back ache, and any body pain you can think of; it creates a chain of negative energy within your body, which causes you to slow down and throws you off. A relaxing massage will help relieve tension and drain you of any unwanted energy; my personal favorite is lymphatic massage because it helps in the drainage of lymph fluid (or in Filipino, "lamig"). Just remember to find the right massage for you and always inform the therapist of any existing medical condition or if pregnant for a safe experience.

The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today dove body wash morena filipina blog

- Whenever I feel down and things don't seem to going my way, instead of complaining, I find ways to be grateful. Complaining is draining, not to mention it blocks positive energy that will bring us positive experiences so when I'm about to overflow with negative energy and start complaining, I stop, breathe, and think of the things that I am grateful for even the simplest ones such as waking up to see another day; this attitude of gratitude brings me back to earth, makes me realize that my life isn't as bad as I am making it seem, and most of all, it gives me hope. It also helps if you keep a gratitude journal!

The Value of Self Care + Easy Self-Care Habits to do today dove body wash morena filipina blog

- As the saying goes, at the end of the day, you only have yourself. So why not love yourself? I used to hate myself a lot for all the silliest things, but I realized, all that negative talk wasn't doing me any good; and so I started talking to myself in a positive way everyday and it made a world of difference; I felt better about myself, more confident, and kinder, which affected all aspects of my life from personal to professional; in short, it shaped my life in a very positive and good way.

Positive self- talk is not vanity if you're doing it as a means of encouragement to help you better yourself; this habit also strengthens your connection to your inner self, which keeps you from unhealthy comparisons with others and from looking for unhealthy, external validation from people.

There goes my self- care tips! Have you got yours? Do share it in the comments section!

For more information about Dove Body Wash, visit DOVE on Facebook and buy Dove Body Wash HERE.

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  1. Great self love tips Ma Martha! For me, proper skincare is the easiest way to express self love! ❤️

  2. Great self love tips Ma Martha! For me, proper skincare is the easiest way to express self love! ❤️


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