WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention

WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

Every summer, I would get shadowy, dark spots on my cheeks and forehead; I experience them and they get prominent when I become pretty inconsistent with sunscreen usage. And I have noticed that this dark cast on my skin has gotten more frequent just because the days seem to have gotten hotter. I always say this, but I’ll say it again: Global warming is real, folks and my skin shows it! And also, that’s Melasma for you.

Living in a tropical country puts you at risk to skin problems like Melasma. That skin patch that your mom would call ‘PEKAS’ in Tagalog? Yup, that’s it. But is Melasma something that you can shrug off or is it a cause for alarm? In this Melasma 101 blog post, let’s talk about what causes melasma, the treatments, types, and prevention, plus the other surprising factors that cause Melasma (yes, the sun is not the only culprit!).


WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

Melasma is a skin condition characterized by gray, brownish spots across the face. The spots can be literal spots or map- like marks. Melasma starts to occur when Melanocytes are stimulated in the skin by environmental triggers, causing them to produce Melanin. Melanin’s key activity is to ascend to the epidermal surface and create a protective barrier on the skin so in essence, Melanin is actually a skin defender, but its side effect, Melasma, can affect the individual’s mental and emotional well- being, confidence, and self- perception.

One of the well- known triggers of Melasma are UV rays and extreme sun exposure, but it has also been found that Free Radicals- inducing factors such as hormonal imbalance, poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, unbalanced diet, stress, lack of good sleep, pollution, usage of harsh cosmetics and skin care, and over consumption of processed food contribute to the development of Melasma.

So, is Melasma a cause for alarm? Not necessarily, but it should be given enough attention because aside from it may stay with you for a long time, it’s also your body’s way of telling your that it’s not being taken care of properly.


WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

There are different ways Melasma can manifest on your skin:

CENTROFACIAL MELASMA- occurs on the forehead, cheeks, upper nose, lip, and chin.

MALAR MELASMA- dark spots that occur on the upper cheeks, forehead, especially around the cheekbones

MANDIBULAR MELASMA- appears on lower jawline.

WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

Melasma Vs. Hyperpigmentation Vs. Freckles, what’s the diff?

Things is, Melasma and Hyperpigmentation are alike in appearance and have the same risk factors, but here’s how to know whether it’s Melasma or Hyperpigmentation.

Hyperpigmentation is generally caused by acne scarring, extreme sun exposure, and adverse reaction to skin care or cosmetics. Most of the time, it is epidermal meaning it appears on the surface because it is induced by skin activities, therefore it can be treated by some topical skin care products.

Melasma, on the other, hand can be caused by those, but hormones play a huge role in its formation, plus it happens underneath the skin so it’s harder treat and less likely to be treated by topical skin care.

Freckles are oftentimes associated with Melasma too, but the former is hereditary while the latter is acquired.


WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

There are various products and procedures that will help get rid of Melasma. Melasma occurs underneath the skin and it cannot be treated simply with topical products; it needs treatment from within. One effective way is by treating it from within through supplements.

Pynocare is an oral treatment that is clinically proven to treat Melasma. Pynocare has the MSCC Complex Actisome (Melasma Skin Clear Complexion) that fights free radicals, and controls overproduction of Melanin to normal level in skin cells in as little as 8 weeks. It’s an over-the-counter drug that you can readily purchase from leading drugstores and authorized retailers with or without prescription.

WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

What’s in every Pynocare capsule? MSCC Complex Actisome is comprised of the following ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Procyanidin from French Maritime Bark extract, which is dubbed as one of the best antioxidants in the world with studies proving its high efficacy in counteracting free radicals in the body. Pynocare’s Pyrocyanidin ingredient is boosted with Actisome Techonology for faster absorption.

Taking Pynocare everyday will help prevent or treat Melasma, and may also help with other skin dullness, hyperpigmentation, and marks caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. If you’re searching for an effective skin brightening supplement that will help treat your skin and support your existing topical skin care, then this could be it!

How effective is Pynocare? Check out this result from one of their clinical trials:

WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

Here are some FAQS about Pynocare:


Yes! Pynocare is available in drugstores nationwide and retails at P1,395 for a box of 20 capsules


Yes, you can take it as a beauty supplement like what I’m doing. Since it has antioxidants, it can also be your daily health/vitamin C supplement. I’ve been taking it for three weeks now for anti-aging purposes. If you don’t have Melasma though, the effect may not be that significant, but it will help in keeping your skin clear and even since it controls the production of Melanin.


Pregnant and lactating mothers are not advised to take this without clearance from the doctor.


According to Pynocare, in very rare cases, it may cause stomach upset so they advise to take this preferably after a meal. Personally, I think it’s because of Ascorbic Acid, which can cause a reaction to people who are sensitive to this type of Vitamin C like me. So the best way here is to take Pynocare (or any Ascorbic Acid supplement for that matter) after a meal.


Pynocare recommends to take one capsule twice daily after a meal and continuously for at least 8 weeks to see the results.


For individuals with known sensitivity to any of the supplement’s ingredients, please consult with a doctor first before usage. And if you encounter any unusual side effect while taking the supplement, stop usage and go see your doctor.


Results vary depending on the gravity of Melasma, but in as little as 8 weeks, Pynocare said to expect to see results. Those with epidermal or surface Melasma will see results faster while those with deep Melasma will take a longer time to see the results.

WHAT CAUSES MELASMA? Treatments, Types, Prevention pynocare morena filipina skin care blog

I know how uneven skin tone and facial marks can really dampen your confidence and someone who’s been through a who lot of skin care journeys, what I can tell you is this: knowledge is power. Skin care education and knowing from the onset what your condition is from the very beginning will help you find the right treatment early on and prevent you from using products and trying procedures that will harm your skin further. That is why I made this blog post to help you understand and distinguish Melasma, and help you find the right treatment for it. Shall I say, finally, we’re all enLIGHTened now? *wink wink

Pynocare is available in Southstar Drug, Watsons, Mercury Drug, Rose Pharmacy, and St. Joseph’s Drug. Visit http://pynocare.ph for more information about the product. Follow them on PYNOCARE PHILIPPINES on Facebook.

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  1. Since melasma and freckles are of the same nature, effective din po kaya yung Pynocare sa Freckles?

  2. Ang fresh naman Ms Martha. Pero ayun I think mom has Melasma I'll check out this product for her

  3. I'll suggest this to my friend that has melasma plus it has antioxidant pa nice


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