4 Reasons Why Cruelty Free Skincare a Must in 2022

4 Reasons Why Cruelty Free Skincare a Must in 2022 morena filipina beauty blog

If you want to look and feel your best, you need to get cruelty free skincare. It’s not just about looking good; it’s also about feeling great. Even better, these products help reduce the number of animals used in production, and they also help protect the environment. 


Here are four reasons you need to start using cruelty free skincare.


4 Reasons Why Cruelty Free Skincare a Must in 2022 morena filipina beauty blog

1. They are Healthier


Thousands of studies and experiments have shown the negative effects of animal testing and how it can harm humans. Many of the chemicals used in these tests are found in things like snail slime, a popular ingredient in mascaras, eye shadows, and other cosmetic products that most people use daily.


These chemicals are extremely harmful to humans and can lead to health problems such as cancer, premature aging, or other issues with the skin. They can also disrupt hormones, causing reproductive issues such as infertility if these substances get into your bloodstream or if they are inhaled into your lungs during everyday life.


Studies have shown that many cosmetics don’t even need any testing; this was proven by several European companies who stopped testing entirely after researching their products and finding that they didn’t need to be tested. This means that the companies and their customers could avoid animal testing altogether and still get high-quality products, such as cruelty free moisturizer. 


2. Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary


Cruelty-free cosmetics are by far a better choice, as they don’t involve using any animal or animal products at all. The FDA states that no chemicals can be used on products meant for human use unless they have been tested on animals first.


But why do they even require this? Just because they assume something could be harmful to humans if it were ingested or touched doesn’t mean that it is – and using animals in these cases is completely unnecessary. They spend years suffering and dying for a product like makeup that people could easily live without. It’s a cruel practice.


3. You Make an Environmental Difference


If there are no animal testing products on the market, those animals aren’t being used anymore. Animal cruelty is not just a human rights issue; it’s also environmental.


Millions of animals are killed every year to test cosmetics, which has a negative impact on ecosystems worldwide. The use of these animals to test products is harming our world significantly; they have been taking in huge amounts of pollution through inhalation and ingestion and skin exposure, and eating contaminated food.


This pollution can harm humans and living around them. Beauty companies contribute to environmental concerns in two separate ways with their lack of consideration for animal testing: by using the animals themselves and polluting their surrounding areas after killing them.


4. The Products are More Affordable


While animal-tested products may be the cheapest option, cruelty-free cosmetics are often less expensive than their animal-tested counterparts. If you’re on a budget and want to keep your spending to a minimum, this is something to consider. 


Many of the products sold in drugstores and department stores have been tested on animals, so you don’t need to look for them in specialty stores; just find cruelty free makeup.


Animal testing of beauty products is cruel, probably pointless, and hurting our environment. By buying cruelty-free products that have been tested on animals, you’re contributing to a better, humane, and cleaner environment.

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