BEAUTY BULLETIN: 50% of women in Asia do not feel confident + Make it sustainable, make it Watsons


BEAUTY BULLETIN: 50% of women in Asia do not feel confident + Make it sustainable, make it Watsons morena filipina lifestyle blog
WISE or Watsons Insights On Shopper's Experience, Watsons research arm, has recently conducted a confidence survey on 3,100 women respondents aged 20-29 across six key markets in Asia namely Mainland China, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. The study revealed that 50% of women do not feel confident and wish that they have community support to help improve their confidence.

WISE have also asked the same respondents what they think true beauty is and here is the top answer; surprisingly, a majority of Filipinas think that this is the most important!

BEAUTY BULLETIN: 50% of women in Asia do not feel confident + Make it sustainable, make it Watsons morena filipina lifestyle blog
Personally, I was expecting "GOOD SKIN" or "FAIR SKIN" (because whitening still remains as one of the leading categories in beauty), but indeed, times are changing and women are becoming more and more mindful of the things that really matter. 

According to the survey, INNER BEAUTY is the most important vs. outer beauty. The Philippines scored high in the survey rankings with this answer, which gives us a good insight on what Filipinas really value the most when it comes to discussions about beauty.

And what are the things that make women feel beautiful? The top answer is when they are healthy inside and out.

Filipinas have come a long way when it comes to our definition of beauty, but the fight is still on and the journey is still long towards a more inclusive and holistic perception about beauty; at least this survey shows that we keep walking and someday, we'll get closer to a more inclusive society.

BEAUTY BULLETIN: 50% of women in Asia do not feel confident + Make it sustainable, make it Watsons morena filipina lifestyle blog
Inspired by this study, Watsons launches THE NEW BEAUTIFUL campaign that encourages women to adopt a more holistic approach towards beauty: it starts by taking care of their health, keeping a sound a mind, embracing their beauty through cosmetics. Watsons has a lot of supplements, skin care, and cosmetics that are on promotion starting this month to help you take care of your inner and outer beauty, and make your way to the world of the new beautiful.

BEAUTY BULLETIN: 50% of women in Asia do not feel confident + Make it sustainable, make it Watsons morena filipina lifestyle blog
This 2022, if you want to do good for the planet, switch to Watsons. Watsons has been committed to championing sustainability initiatives by pushing their current, biggest sustainability program in partnership with Plastic Bank,

In collaboration with Plastic Bank, Watsons has been able to recycle 833,000 plastic bottles last 2021.


For 2022, Watsons held its first DO GOOD For Earth, Sa Watsons Ako webinar with “Smart Waste Management Towards A Sustainable Future,” where two resource persons shared valuable insights on how waste management and recycling affects global warming and climate change.


Commissioner Crispian Lao, Chair of the National Solid Waste Management Commission, and David Katz, President and CEO of Plastic Bank, talked about global warming and the benefits of recycling.


The Watsons DO GOOD webinar, which was moderated by environment advocate Anna Oposa of Save Philippine Seas, tackled important topics such as how people can contribute in environment conservation thru 3Rs (Reuse, Recycle, Refill), the relationship of solid waste management and climate change, the impact of recycling on the environment, economy and community and future activities to be conducted jointly by Plastic Bank and Watsons Philippines.

For more information. Please visit WATSONS PHILIPPINES on Facebook.

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  1. Wow. Good job Watsons. It's not all about beauty for all but also taking care of our planet. 🤗 And thank you for giving me such confident thru providing quality cosmetics. But for me, being beautiful is accepting your flaws and imperfections.


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