Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair!

Herbal Essence Bio Renew Tea tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner review, price, demo

PRICE: P249 (240ml); P336 (400ml)
FROM: Free
OTHER LOCATIONS: Available in all leading department stores, drugstores, and supermarkets, P&G Beauty Lazmall

Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair morena filipina beauty blog

I remember when Herbal Essences first launched in the Philippines, I think I was in high school and it immediately became my favorite shampoo and conditioner brand because I loved the scent of the products and my hair felt and looked really nice. It went away for a while and now it's back! I've been using these for quite a while and I especially love how good it is for dry hair! more about my experience below!

Herbal Essences is a hair care brand that prides itself on an all- natural ingredients made of 90% origin. Formula is paraben, sulfate, and colourant- free.

Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair morena filipina beauty blog
Tea Tree Oil shampoo and conditioner ingredients

Tea Tree Oil is the newest variant. It has Tea Tree Oil extracts that help soothe the scalp and hair.

Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair morena filipina beauty blog
Argan Oil of Morocco shampoo and conditioner ingredients

Argan Oil is a moisturizing, soothing duo that repairs hair and deeply nourishes the scalp.

Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair morena filipina beauty blog
L-R: Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and Conditioner / Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner

Tea Tree Oil has a nice, minty floral scent; the shampoo has a rich, pearlized formula, which gives that semi- smoothing effect to the hair. I like its refreshing fragrance and the fact that it's so easy to rinse out despite the moisturizing effect.

Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner, on the other hand, has a rich formula and has a creamy floral scent. It has a more pearlized formula than Tea Tree Oil variant, therefore it's more moisturizing, but it rinses out as easily as the other variant as well. The formula of this variant is very moisturizing and I don't need to use a lot every time.

Herbal Essences Bio Renew Tea Tree and Argan Oil Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner: Perfect for dry hair morena filipina beauty blog
Personally, I like both and I use them on rotation. When my scalp is feeling itchy and the weather is very humid, I use Tea Tree Oil because I find that it soothes the scalp and it leaves my hair and scalp fresh. When my hair is feeling very dry, I use Argan Oil of Morocco because this one is truly moisturizing and softening-no need for me to use a leave- in treatment because it softens my hair effectively.

Overall, I am loving using both products and I see myself buying them again. I highly recommend Tea Tree Oil, most especially this summer because it's very soothing on the scalp plus has mild softening benefits as well that keep my hair tangle- free and soft. 

Have you tried these already? What are your thoughts?


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  1. I would love to try these. I love that it has all natural ingredients.


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