What are the common steps to a rhinoplasty procedure?

What are the common steps to a rhinoplasty procedure

A nose job or rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed to improve the nose's appearance. The goal is to change the shape of the nose to achieve the desired aesthetic result. This procedure can be done on either the left or right side of the nose and includes removing excess tissue, tightening loose skin that has been pulled down over the tip of the nose, removing bumps or depressions, changing the size or width of nasal bones (septum), and reshaping certain cartilage at the bridge of the nose (columella).

How long does a rhinoplasty take?


The first step in this surgical process usually involves making an incision along the length of the nose from ear to ear. During this time, patients need to avoid any strenuous activity due to swelling and bruising around the eyes and headaches resulting from pain. Once all the swelling has subsided, and healing takes place, you will be allowed to return home with instructions for post-operative care.


Once healed, it may take several weeks before your final results are visible. In some cases, there could even be additional follow-up appointments required after initial recovery. The amount of time needed to heal varies depending on how much work was done during the surgery. It is up to each doctor to determine when the patient should return to their normal daily routine. The rhinoplasty procedure includes many different steps, but we provide only a brief outline below:


Step 1 – Anesthesia


As you know, it's best not to have general anesthesia if possible; however, most surgeons offer local anesthesia. Some patients choose to get a small dose of sedative medication just before surgery, which will help them relax and make the experience more comfortable. This step is very common and typically lasts about 30 minutes.


You will be asked to remove your clothing and jewelry during this time. Your surgeon will then apply an adhesive tape across your chest area to protect your breasts from being bruised by instruments while they operate. You will also need to wear a hospital gown during this period.


Step 2 – Pre-Anesthetic Consultation


Your surgeon will explain the purpose of the operation and answer any questions you might have. They will assess your medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. If necessary, they might order blood tests to check your liver function and immune system. There will also be a discussion regarding potential risks associated with the surgery. As part of this consultation, your plastic surgeon will also ask you about what specific changes you hope to accomplish.


Step 3 – The incision


With the use of local anesthesia, no cut is made into the nose itself. Instead, a skin incision is made along the nose's outer edge, beginning near the top of one nostril and ending near the other nostril. Next, the surgeon makes a second horizontal incision inside the nose parallel to these external cuts. These two vertical cuts allow the surgeon to open the layers of the skin without damaging underlying structures. Finally, the surgeon removes the skin that overlies the upper lip, the columella, the lower lip, and the uvula.


At this step, your surgeon will create a flap of tissue from the inner aspect of the lining of the nose. The size of the flap depends upon the desired shape of the nose and whether scar revision is required following the procedure. For example, if your nasal tip protrudes too far beyond the surrounding cartilage, the surgeon can trim down excess scar tissue and pull the flaps together to reshape the bridge of the nose so that it is closer to the base of the nose.


Step 4 – Excision of the Sufficient Tissue


The next step is the removal of sufficient amounts of bone and cartilage to achieve the desired change in appearance. If you have rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons (for instance, enlargement of the nose), the amount of tissue removed does not need to be as extensive as would be needed for treatment of structural deformities such as a deviated septum. In addition, there may be some correction of irregularities in the form of bumps on the surface of the nose.


After removing enough tissue to correct the problem safely, your surgeon will suture the skin back in place using fine stitches. Sutures are used to close the internal incisions and hold the newly created tissues in position until new ones heal over them. Depending on the extent of the rhinoplasty, it could take several days before the wounds completely heal. During this healing process, you should avoid strenuous activity.


Once all the sutures have healed, your surgeon will apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and numbness. You may experience some discomfort during the first few days after the procedure. But most patients feel much better soon after undergoing rhinoplasty.


Step 5 – Dressing


Your physician will provide you with a dressing that covers the entire area where the surgery was performed. This includes the inside and outside of the nose and the area around the eyes. It's important to keep this dressing intact because it keeps dirt out of the wound site. Also, if the edges of the nose appear red and swollen, bandages help prevent bleeding and bruising.


You may wear eyeglasses while you recover, but they must remain in place at all times. Don't remove any jewelry or clothing that might irritate your wound. Avoid sleeping on your stomach for the first week after surgery. This can lead to complications like dehiscence, a gaping hole between the skin and the muscle layer of the nose.




A rhinoplasty is a very popular way to improve the look of your nose. Usually, doctors perform this operation to eliminate bumps and bulges, narrow a wide nose, straighten crooked noses, increase the length of a short nose, shorten long noses, and widen narrowed nostrils. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia, but many clinics offer same-day procedures that only require sedation.

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