I love going to events. I get to see more people and I expand my experiences and widen my networks. So I made it a point that I didn't schedule anything on Aug.5 because I really wanted to attend the exclusive lunch courtesy of Everest Pacific. And I love Inagiku too! Thank you Ms. Cathy Mapa for inviting me to this event.

Arthur Bautista, the president and the brain behind Everest Pacific, is a licensed chemist and has worked for prominent medicine companies in the Philippines for a long time. He decided that it's time to benefit from his talents and skills, so he founded Everest Pacific.

Everest Pacific is the maker of Vitapack. I know the brand because I see Chieffy Aligdong of Azkals modeling for one of their ads on buses. But I gained an in- depth knowledge of the brand and products in this lunch.

We had a great time discussing the benefits of the Beauty Pack and the Energy Pack. The Beauty Pack mainly consists of slimming, whitening, and antioxidant pills, while the Energy Pack contains three capsules packed with ingredients that are known to effectively help sustain our body's energy. More on these facts when I write the reviews of the packs so stay tuned. :)

Here are some pics from the lunch. The room's lighting is kinda' dull, so sorry for the dark pics. I tried tweaking them in my iPhoto, but the pics will look weird if I crank up the exposure level too much.

Kira Ramirez, Shen, Jheng, and Everest Pacific peeps.

Thiamere! So glad to be with new blog buddies in events. Sir Art knows how to spot the photographer! :D

Earth Rullan, who made us drool with the HTC cellphone that she won. Talk about being lucky. :D

With Liz of Project Vanity in her dainty get- up. :D

I'm no fan of Udon (noodles), but this one's really good! I didn't get to take a pic of the trio of flavors ice cream because the thought of taking a snap occurred right after gobbling down the dessert. :p

Sir Art explaining the benefits of Vitapack. :)

I think this is where Shen is trying to make a parallelism between a Gindara and Xenical. Hahahaha! :D

A not-so-good picture for The Beauty Junkee, but a great group shot nonetheless.

Press kit. :)

Reposting again my lovely freebies. :) Boxes of Vitapack Energy and Beauty packs. :)

A very nice 'thank you' gift! Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Nectar

I am on my first day of trying Vitapack Beauty Pack and Energy Pack. Will let you guys know how it works after 3 weeks! Vitapack is available in all Watson's stores in malls nationwide. :D

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