Fan of discount coupons when it comes to skin treatments? You might have to reconsider after reading this post from Nikki Tiu of Askmewhats


Both companies left a bad taste in my mouth. Let me tell you why....
A dear reader emailed me and asked me if I am affiliated to this said Clinic because she saw my before and after shot. I clicked on the site and here's what I saw...Perfect! From Php2,500 to Php250.00 Great deal right????

I saw my own before and after photo
And obviously, it was a before and after shot of a review I did
Obviously, not from a treatment from Dermaesthetique

For the Record:
I have never tried any Under Eye Circle Treatment
and never stepped in Dermaesthetique Clinic

Fast forward, I gave a call, asking them who's at fault here. In all fairness to the manager "Wax", he admitted they were the ones who stole my photos and they apologized and told me they'll remove the photos.

At the same time, I emailed Dermaesthetique via their FB Page.
Shared to everyone via Twitter and FB Wall, I did my part! I hope they'll at least contact me to apologize.

Well, of course not! That's why this post was created! I seldom get angry for long and I actually told myself I'm not going to dwell on this issue as its just a waste of my positive energy.

Then, I got a message from a dear FB friend telling me Cleverbuy did not remove my Before and After shot on their FB page.

Really....... seriously.........

I had to click to enlarge as I couldn't believe it. I would know that's me as I own that face for 32 years, well, I started looking like that around 12 years old, so fine! For 20 years!

*pissed off Nikki* I gave Dermaesthetique a call and I was told by the "receptionist" that the Dra. (who's the owner) already knew about it and asked me to call Cleverbuy instead as she knew "nothing" about the incident.

*more than pissed Nikki*I told the receptionist I won't put down the phone unless I talk to a marketing person or anyone in-charge of dealing with deal sites.I got a name... Dra. Emilou Eclipse, she's the owner of Dermaesthetique.I gave her a call on her clinic, another receptionist answered, telling me she's busy. Asked me to call back 5 minutes after. I told her I'll wait, and I did...and it has been more than 10 minutes when the line was cut.(okay, by this time, I should have ran out with an ax like a headless chicken) But I didn't, I was surprisingly cool.I called back and Dra. Eclipse picked up the phone. I told her my concern and she insisted that she was advised by Cleverbuy that they will use "authorized" photos or stock photos sent by the company to the deal site.Okay, my first question was:"If you're the owner of the company, won't you at least CHECK out the deal that was pasted all over the net? Aren't you even alarmed to see a before and after shot of someone who did not go through your treatment?" She agreed.Second question:

"Who's the owner of the site's FB page?"

She said she is. I told her I sent her a message, and she said she read it but was "too busy" as she's not always in front of the computer.I told her if I am the owner of the clinic and there's someone complaining about the stolen photo, won't she at least email me and apologize? Okay, I don't even need apology, I just want to see what actions she will take.Obviously NONE.So anyway, I won't waste much of this blog space. I'm actually not ranting, I am perfectly fine. What I want is to tell EVERYONE to be careful with companies like these! Imagine, how difficult it will be to talk to them if you have issues with a certain treatment done at their clinic?I don't need to talk more, you decide and tell me if these people are worth trusting or if you would trust your hard earned money or face in companies like these.P.S. I know companies have "stock photos", whether they are real or not, I don't care! Just don't steal mine.P.P.S I'm not creating this post to pull down both companies, I just want to make you "aware" and be careful with deals you purchase. I cannot tolerate stealing of photos and using them for ads on services I did not even avail.My friends from Malaysia have something to say about Deal Sites, read them as they're super helpful ---


*Original post can be found HERE

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  1. wow that really sucks! maybe next time we should watermark every single photo we post online because its accessible by anyone worldwide? Aren't you worried if one day one of our photo end up in some sort of escort service website? YUCK@

  2. i have seen this post from other site.. using ms nikki's photos =(

  3. eve: true! from now on, i shall start watermarking my pics!

    rhaindropz: What's worse is, they're advertising a skin treatment. Their act speaks so much of their service!

  4. What a shitty management! It looks like they didn't even care.

  5. bing: they removed nikki's pics na. makes me wonder, some of the pics must've been stolen from another site too.


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