Here's an initial review on Human Heart Nature All Natural Deodorant

PRICE: 80php
PLACE BOUGHT: Rustan's Supermarket
OTHER LOCATIONS: HHN Direct resellers, online sites, Beauty Bar, HHN Website


Our deo is not an antiperspirant, but it will deodorize and will not result in cancer! Aside from breast cancer, aluminum salts have also been linked to reproductive system toxicity and neurotoxicity.

Softer, lighter underarms too! Dark underarms keeping your hands down? Switch to a 100% natural, non-darkening deodorant that contains only the good and none of the bad. Alcohol in traditional deodorants can cause underarms to darken. To combat this, Human Nature dove deep down to the bottom of the seas in order to find a natural anti-bacterial alternative to alcohol and discovered the wonders of Chitosan. 100% naturally derived from the shells of sea crustaceans (a byproduct of the food industry), Chitosan is an anti-bacterial active that is biocompatible, non-toxic and biodegradable. It has also been clinically proven to promote wound healing while being anti-itching, anti-microbial and an excellent skin moisturizer. Alcohol costs only P60 or so per liter, whereas Chitosan costs Human Nature P25,000 per kilo. So you see, good things don’t come cheap, unless of course, they come from Human Nature. Because at Human Nature, we are true to our word – 100% No harmful chemicals, 100% affordable.


Let's talk about underarms.

Messages and emails circulating in the net regarding deodorant as the cause of Alzheimer's Disease and Breast Cancer have scared the wits out of consumers. But since our odor is part of our impression, we simply can't skip this skin care essential.

Bacteria live and grow in our armpits. Our armpits excrete sweat to help our body cool down and release toxins. Unfortunately, bacteria make their presence felt as they swim in sweat. The Result: Bad Odor. In layman's term "Putok".

Deodorants inhibit the growth of bacteria due to the following synthetic chemicals: Aluminum Zirconium, Aluminum Chlorohydrate, Triclosan, Talc, Parfum, Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate, Alcohol, Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly, Potassium Aluminum Sulfate, and Parabens. In addition to their bacteria inhibiting properties, these synthetic chemicals prevent you from sweating. And those tiny lumps on your underarm skin? They're called granulomas. They are caused by metals found in deodorants that accumulate inside the pores after a certain period of deodorant usage.


Studies have shown that 64% of lumps caused by Breast Cancer are found near the underarm area, and a mere 6% was found at the parts of the breasts that are located far from the underarm area. A study conducted in the U.S. on a group of people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease show that there are Aluminum deposits found in their brain cells. And those tiny lumps on your skin? They're called Granulomas. These are caused by metal compounds that are deposited in your pores, and they accumulate after a certain period of usage. These chemicals are not excreted by the body. Although Aluminum has been found to be excreted through urine. But that means it has traveled throughout your body, leaving traces in your tissues and nerves.

These studies only tell us that there might be a link between deodorants and these diseases, meaning, they're not yet proven. But this ain't a reason to rest and continue using products with these harmful chemicals.

Why are these chemicals harmful? Aluminum is a metal, talc is considered as a carcinogen, parabens can harm the skin, triclosan creates a certain kind of bacteria that resists natural bacteria, alcohol is a harsh ingredient, and perfume can cause darkening. Also, these chemicals, when applied to newly- shaved pits, will seep through your pores and enter your tissues. Unfortunately, most of these chemicals are deposited in our bodies, and are not excreted. However, Aluminum was found to be excreted through urine, meaning, it travels throughout your body.

The best option is to 'GO GREEN' and opt for deodorants instead. But where will you find natural deodorants? Human Heart Nature has one.

HHN's All- Natural deodorant is infused with Sunflower oil, which is known to lighten underarms and keep them from getting dark. It is chemical- free, so no need to worry about toxins. It has Chitosan that helps heal wounds naturally. So that means it's good to use after shaving or waxing because it promotes healing. Consistency is milky, and it is fragrance- free.

I don't have B.O. Even if I sweat profusely, I don't give off that skunk- y smell. When I've learned about the potential dangers of commercial deodorants, I've switched to this brand. I apply it first after toweling myself dry, and let it dry completely before putting my clothes on.

After my running class, I have observed that there's this funny smell that's been following me around. I am so certain that it's not me, since I do not have B.O. When I tried smelling my pits, OMG. IT WAS ME!

So I sang five 'Happy Birthdays' in the shower whenever I'm rinsing my pits. I even wear sleeveless tops all the time because detergents used on clothes can promote B.O. But it's still there! I was thinking of having my pits checked by a dermatologist, but I decided to self- medicate first.

So I switched back to my old deodorant. Surprise, surprise. It's not me. I don't have B.O. I therefore conclude that the foul, sharp smell emanating from my pits was cause by this deodorant. I don't know if my skin is reacting against the formulation, or the foul smell may have been caused by Chitosan. Chitosan is found on the shells of sea crustaceans, so under-the-sea factors may have affected the overall smell of this compound.

Unfortunately, this deodorant didn't work for me. It's all good because it's natural. But since I can't afford to leave a smelly impression, I stopped using this and looked for other natural deos in the market. And right now, I am very happy with Deonat. Stay tuned for my review. :D

To my readers: I strongly recommend that you switch to all- natural deodorants. You can't go against nature and stop your body from doing what it's supposed to do. So switch to deodorants and ditch your antiperspirants!

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  1. I love Human<3Nature, plus considering the fact that it's local and all-natural. I'm slowly switching to Human<3Nature products. My fave from them is the sunflower oil :)

  2. gellie: thanks for reading! i love hen's sunflower beauty oil too! :D

  3. oh no. at first i was really moved to try HHN deo but after reading your whole expreience, i'm afraid na. I sweat profusely pa naman. i'll wait for your deonat review, i'm curious bout that. thanks for sharing your experience!

  4. rachaelah: It might work for you though. But for me..eehhh.. Deonat is <3 :)))))

  5. Oh my god natawa ko sa 5 happy birthdays parang naghuugas lang ng kamay.anyway, mitchum works for me but after reading about those tiny lumps that develop overtime scared na ko hahah.deonat ito ba ung tawas na super solid yata eto?

  6. ive been trying to find a natural deodorant thats available in malaysia and then i found this human nature deodorant but lots of reviews said it made them smell even worse :SSSS

    any other recommendations anyone?? xx

  7. Such an honest review! <3 I would love to hear more from you.


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