Dog Day Afternoon

Yesterday, I brought Denver to The Fort High Street for some socialization. At least he would realize that there are other dogs too apart from our Beagle, Pitbull, and Labrador!

It was pretty crowded yesterday at TFHS because Hobbes and Landes had a 'Walk Your Dog' event around 3pm. I sooo wanted to go, but dang, I woke up late, not to mention I had to do some stuff at home.

A beautiful Akita dog. :)

Is this a sheep dog? He's pretty huge and scary, but nice!

Liz, Sara, and I were supposed to hang out with our beloved mutt pals, but I arrived late at TFHS. The weather was extremely humid and the sun was scorching hot yesterday, and I can't risk bringing Denver out with a weather that cruel. He might get a heat stroke! Liz left a few minutes before I arrived. Too bad, I wasn't able to see her baby Snaps. Here's me and Denver with Sara and Sammy, who were both hanging out with a handful of Shih Tzu enthusiasts and show people.

Grandma Moira, a 10-year old hall of famer. :)

Sara's baby, Sammy. He's pretty jumpy. (and humpy too! LOL!)

Hey there, big guy.

HEY THERE BIGGER GUY! I've always wanted to have a Great Dane. They're one of the nicest dogs in spite of their ginormous size. Mom said she didn't want a horse around, so I can't get one for myself.

A tender moment between Denver and Sammy.

My baby's so handsome, and Sammy's looking so cute in there! (I know you'll all agree). :)

How about a meet-and-greet with me and Denver, my dear readers? Let The Beauty Junkee know so I could turn this as one of my projects this year! :D

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  1. you're dog is really handsome. :)

  2. I'm not fond of pets but those doggies look so cute. They deserve love and care:)

  3. I like Denver and Sammy's first pic together.. I miss my Chuchie (chihuahua) who died years ago.. :(

  4. Golden Retriever po ba si Denver?? He is too handsome!! Cute dogs!!

  5. awwww... they are all adorable. i love the picture of denver and sammy. :)


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