Brand In Focus: Zen Zest

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Do you remember the days when every girl in your high school smelled pretty and fresh-- like succulent raspberries and mouthwatering Tangerines, and boys couldn't help but follow them everywhere? Or do you simply recall the time when you're enjoying a luxurious bath with your Talcum Body Scrub, and you follow it with a complimenting Talcum Body lotion? And when Aromatherapy was starting to make waves in the country, you run to the mall to pick up some Room and Linen Sprays to turn your living space into a comfortable abode.

I know you will all agree when I say that along with these fragrant memories, you remember that one little red cart in the middle of the mall called Zen Zest, one of the places where your love for fragrances and skin care has begun.

Carla Abellana for Zen Zest

In spite of the emergence of newer local skin and body care brands, Zen Zest still remains as an undisputed brand in this category for it is the pioneer bath and aromatherapy brand in the country. While most brands promise you newer and more exciting formulations, Zen Zest keeps their line-up simple by sticking to timeless and no- nonsense products, but continually improves their formulation through constant research. At the end of the day, people will still prefer simplicity and what works, and that has turned Zen Zest from a humble bazaar brand to a household name.

Quality products that are so easy on the pocket- This is the reason why Zen Zest remains unshaken despite the massive influx of beauty brands in the local beauty scene. Zen Zest has proven that affordable doesn't have to be cheap by providing high quality fragrances that you won't feel ashamed to pull out from your bag, body products that feel luxurious and are effective, and aromatherapy goods that will add spice and fragrance to any corner of your home.

What I also like about Zen Zest is that their products are great, and packaging is very practical, economical, and reusable. Nothing goes to waste!

Let's now go to my personal favorites: Zen Zest's Aromatherapy Products

It is no secret that I am a hardcore fan of Zen Zest's home products, particularly the Room and Linen Sprays. Both products come in three delightful scents that will truly ease your mind, body, and spirit: Calming, Uplifting, and Stimulating

Calming- a relaxing blend of florals with a soothing touch of Lavender
Uplifting- a fresh and energizing aquatic floral fragrance
Stimulating- an exotic and minty blend of herbal oils

Negative forces are at work in your lives every single day: You watch and hear depressing stories on the news, you encounter the people that you dislike, and bills keep on coming, and seems like it's never-ending. Then all of a sudden, you find yourself lost in this maze called life.

All it takes is for you to say "STOP". Take time to relax---Listen to your body, fine-tune your mind, and recharge your spirit through Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine, and is often regarded as a powerful way to release the mind and body from Stress, the mother of all diseases. Aromatherapy supposedly clears your mind through the sense of smell, one of the gateways to your well- being. As we all know, a stress- free mind equals a disease- free body.

So whenever I feel down, I turn to Zen Zest's Room and Linen spray to calm, uplift, or stimulate my mind and body. FYI, these sprays also lull me to sleep! Zen Zest also has burning oils, fragrance diffusers, and massage oils to accompany you on your way to a sound being. But for a quick soothing fix, I spray these Room and Linen fragrances around the house to spread some cheer.

Visit ZEN ZEST ON FACEBOOK for your Zen Zest fix!

What's your favorite Zen Zest product? Share!

**All photos were taken from

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  1. I am also a Zen Zest girl even before. Truly! it's very affordable and others who are classy, and after the price might ignore this. But not me!!

  2. Yes Martha, count me in because I can relate to that. I will try and get myself that room fragrance! Thank you Martha!

  3. when you bought the room sprays are they in package of 3?

  4. i love zen zest -- especially their fruity scents. and it's very cheap too!


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