Commenter of the month for June+Gifts to the COM for July

Hello ladies! Just a quick post. I'm announcing my COM for June and she will win this awesome twosome from Pond's. These Flawless White Day and Night Creams will safeguard your skin from environmental aggressors for soft, fair, and baby- like skin all- year round!

The Commenter of the Month for June is......


Thank you for your continued patronage dear! Keep on reading! :D

**Issa, prize is only valid for 10 days. If I don't receive your full name, complete address, and contact nos. within the 10- day period, I'll choose another commenter. :) Email your details to :)

July's an exciting one because I'm giving away a skin care loot courtesy of Myra-E!

No brand knows Vitamin E like Myra- E does. The COM for July will receive the following:

Myra-E Vitawhite Facial Moisturizer
Myra- E Vitawhite Body Lotion
Myra- E Vitasmooth Face Powder
Myra- E lipbalm

How will you become my commenter of the month? Just...

1. The commenter of the month will start on the first day of the month until the last day of the month.
2. The COM will be picked and announced via a blog entry on the first day of the following month.
3. The chosen COM should send his/her contact details, full name, and complete address to
4. Unclaimed gift/s within 10 days will invalidate the win of the chosen commenter, and another commenter will be chosen.
5. All bloggers are welcome to join. It is not necessary that you are a follower of my blog or from Blogger. If you are not a blogger but would still like to comment on my posts, you're still a qualified candidate.

**The COTM will be based on overall monthly visits, and frequency of relevant and useful comments made on my posts. I appreciate queries, suggestions, and other useful thoughts that you can think of. Consistency is key, my dear readers. And please, no spamming. TY! :)

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  1. I didnt know you have COM! hihi. I miss the good times at SnR! Congrats to the winner! :)

  2. congrats to your June commenter of the month.

    i love Myra E products particularly Myra E body lotion.

    hope to win as your commenter for the month of July:)

  3. i love Myra E products especially Myra E body lotion, it smells so good!

  4. wow! I didn't expect this! thank you so much Martha! :) more power to your blog!


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