Here's a review on the new Block and White Natural Lotions range
PRICE: 100ml (P64.00) 200ml (P112.00) 350ml (P180.00)
OTHER LOCATIONS: Available in all leading department stores and drugstores nationwide
It's probably baffling to most of you when you see a whitening lotion review on the blog of a tan and morena skin advocate. Well, I still consider the fact that I have fair- skinned readers out there, and this is just to give them an update on the new products in the market that will compliment their skin tone. :)
Wearing sunblock doesn't guarantee that you can keep your fairness. FYI, you will still get dark if you're exposed to the sun's rays because your body naturally produces melanin to protect your cells from UV death. In order for you to reverse this effect, you should slather on whitening lotions to stop Melanin production even before it happens. And if your problem is uneven skintone, scrubbing and whitening lotions can help give you back that evenness.
Speaking of whitening lotions, Block and White, the country's pioneer whitening brand has come up with a powerful trio that will help you keep your fair skin. They're called the Naturals line, a line empowered with extracts derived from nature. The lotions have a light and fast- absorbing consistency, and it's perfect for our warm weather. Sometimes, I use the Pearl White UV lotion because I love its rich and powdery floral scent. The Japanese Rice and Camellia Oil variant smells floral- fruity, while the Papaya and Virgin Coconut Oil variant has light bubblegum- fruity scent. The three variants also have UV shield to block the sun's harmful rays.
And if you're mostly outdoors, you could try Block and White's Intensive Whitening lotions that come in SPF 16 PA++ and SPF 24PA++. These will keep you protected under the sun for a long time.
I'm afraid I can't say anything about its effects because I don't use it regularly. As much as possible, I want to keep my rich tan until I pay the beach a visit. Overall, if you want an affordable, lightweight, and good smelling lotion, I recommend these. Please bear in mind that skin whitening doesn't happen overnight. A good skin regimen plus effective whitening lotions such as these will help you get back your fair glow, and even out your skintone.
This is a free country, and you can have whatever skintone you want to have. I am madly in love with my skin color, but I have nothing against having white skin. If you think whiter skin will make you a happy person, then aim for it.

Screen shot from Carlos Celdran
But this is what I am against. Commercials telling you that white skin is in, and you must have it if you want to be recognized. Case in point: Block and White's controversial commercial on the Naturals lotions. It has been in contempt when it was first released publicly, which is perhaps the reason why it was taken down from the television and internet.
It's a well- made commercial but unfortunately, it communicated a different message. I've met with the peeps from Block and White and I have learned that the commercial is targeting those who want to have whiter skin, and those who want to keep theirs. Sadly, the commercial is a far cry from what they really want to communicate. Commercials and ads should tread carefully when they are dealing with sensitive issues such as race and beauty. You can't just impose on people that white skin is superior, especially nowadays that campaigns about self love are rampant, and more and more people are starting to accept and love whatever skin they're in.
We also have to consider the youth. The Media is a powerful influencer, and it can distort impressionable minds if misused, even if unintended. I think skin whitening ads and commercials should be revamped because clearly, they're only telling us one thing: White Skin is more beautiful.
Bottomline, the first step to becoming beautiful is SELF ACCEPTANCE---wrinkles, birthmarks, freckles and all. If you don't love yourself, you will never ever see the beauty in you no matter what skintone you have.
That's true! Accepting oneself :) I'm now doing that. About block and white, may bagong variants na pala. My sister's been asking about lotions that will even out her skin tone. Nivea pa lang kasi na try ko. Now I can recommend this to her. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteWell said, Martha! :-)
ReplyDeletei have tried some whitening products before, nkiuso sa trend. ) pero now i think the color doesnt really matter -- as long as you stay clean and smooth, you'll look as pretty as the white-skinned girls. :)
ReplyDeleteAgree. Also, other people have other reasons why they want to use "whitening" or "lightening" products. In my case, I usually get scars and marks either due to insect bites and similar stuff. I want to lighten and eventually, "erase" them, therefore, I use whitening stuff. Other than that, I also love my skin color. Yes, there were times that I wish I had fairer skin but then, as I stare at myself in the mirror, I realize that it's a God-given gift. It's God's way of making me beautiful. ^___^
ReplyDeleteTried this before.. and moisturizing nman ang effect.. but for labeled as Whitening I don't know kase hindi sya effective.
ReplyDeletecan i ask tHe namEs oF the tHree tEens iN thE blOck & whIte cOmmerciaL fOr 2012?? dO yOu kNow thEir namES??? i jUst wanTed tO knOw whO they arE!!! tHeY arE pRettY cuTe hUh!! pLease... i wanT tO kNow them,,, sPeciallY tHe tan gIrl... :) tHank yOu
ReplyDeleteso true. advertisements really favor only the whiter skin tone. very sad. and the Philippines really is a country trap in this stupid thinking. i am naturally brown and this sometimes lowers my confidence, though many say that i am beautiful.
ReplyDelete--- racism. hindi na ata talaga masosolusyunan un. hay naku.
Yeah, sadly dito satin not of a big issue sa karamihan racism. Until you open your eyes. Parang joke joke lang daw and stuff, sakit kaya sa kaibigan mo laging butt end ng joke komo maitim daw.
DeleteAdvertisements are tone deaf really.
And then on the other hand meron naman Gluta C touting na effective skin whitening lotion ang product nila. Anyone tried it? Any testimonies?
ReplyDeleteLet me know what you think of this post! :)