LIVER: the unlikely super hero + how to keep it healthy

I have been meaning to attend health and wellness events because it's been one of my key interests lately; since my idea of beauty has evolved from purely physical to holistic, I am now of the belief that in order to achieve true beauty, one must look and feel good not only on the outside, but on the inside as well; both come hand in hand!

how to keep live healthy liver diseases essentiale supplement
I attended the launch of Essentiale in the Philippines just this week; Essentiale is a liver supplement made by pharmaceutical giant, Sanofi.

In the event, they talked about an unlikely super hero, the Liver.

The Avengers may just be a product of a creative genius, but super heroes are real and there's one laying right below your rib cage and is the size of a football ball: the Liver.

The Liver is responsible in filtering harmful toxins from your body from environmental pollutants to chemicals; it also filters and regulates sugar and cholesterol in your body; without it, you'll be poisoned faster than Thanos can snap you into dust; the Liver plays a crucial role in keeping you alive, but sadly, not a lot of people appreciate let alone are aware of its importance.

What are the habits that can damage your liver moderately or severely? These are the most common ones:

- Poor diet- Unprotected sex; sexually- transmitted diseases- prolonged and frequent exposure to chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides- excessive alcohol intake- illicit drug usage- viral infection- obesity- stress- sleep deprivation

What are the various lifestyle- influenced liver diseases? Here are the top ones:

- Cirrhosis: scar buildup on the liver caused by excessive drinking, drug intake, and poor diet
- Hepatatis B or C: can be caused by unprotected sex, viral infection, and contamination
- Fatty Liver: caused by excessive fat build- up on the liver

What are the various steps we can take to ensure that our liver stays healthy?

- Exercise regularly, but not strenuously and for prolonged periods- Have a well- balanced diet- Stop smoking- Limit alcohol intake- For those on medication, it is important to regularly visit your physician for tests- Don't stress, sleep well- Practice safe sex

how to keep live healthy liver diseases essentiale supplement
Of course, Essentiale pointed out that it's important to take supplement that help maintain your liver's health; it may be a super hero, but it needs support as well. You may have a healthy, functioning liver now, but prevention is always better than cure.

Essentiale is a new liver health supplement that has finally arrived in the Philippines; it contains Essential Phospolipid (EPL) that is extracted from natural food sources; it can be easily absorbed the liver for maximum benefits.

Essentiale's benefits are: maintains overall liver health, acts as an antioxidant, enhances liver function, and detoxifies. There are 50- 50 capsules per bo

If you love indulging in food and alcohol, are always subjected to stress due to work an family, smoke, sleep deprived, and taking prolonged medication, Essentiale will provide the armor to keep your liver resilient and healthy; you only have one liver so better take care of it while it's still functioning.

Please consult with your physician first before taking any supplement, most especially if you have allergies, pregnant, or taking certain medicines.

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  1. Eto ang nereseta ng doctor sa hubby ko and yes he's still using this for almost a year. Mganda ang food supplement na for him. Samahan lnh ng healthy lifestyle also! 😍

  2. When I worked in the hospital, this is what some doctors prescribe for their patients. Yes it's true, we have to take care of our liver so that our bodies function better. Our bodies are intertwined and connected to one another. Thanks for this post Ms M

  3. I don't really drink, smoke, or anything like that but I find this very helpful because some of my loved one do those things and I think this really would help them! Thank you for sharing this!


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