How To Stay Strong and Stay Beautiful In This Pandemic

How To Stay Strong and Stay Beautiful In This Pandemic morena filipina beauty blog
With the rising cases of COVID-19 in the country and the end of the quarantine seems to be nowhere in sight, we need all the help and advice we can get to stay strong as we journey in this crisis and stay beautiful because frankly, this pandemic has caused us so much stress; stress = a bunch of health and skin problems!

Just sharing some quick tips on how you can stay strong and stay beautiful in this pandemic!


- Social media can be very toxic especially now that all emotions are high due to the pandemic; bickering here and there plus lots of negative news abound in social media nowadays and it's challenging my mental health sometimes. So I make it a point to stay away from social media for at least 2-3 hours per day and devote my time to either watching Netflix, playing games, chatting with my husband or mom-in-law, creating content, or doing extra work for my business. I do anything to prevent me from checking my social media accounts and it has really helped me emotionally and mentally!


- Positivity is important, but it can get toxic at times because it borders to gaslighting. Instead, I say stay hopeful: embrace your fears, sadness, worries, and anxieties for you are alive and human so it's natural for you to feel these things, but in the midst of all these gloomy feelings, always find hope to help you get through this time.


- Information and knowledge are indeed power. Stay informed on what's happening in your local vicinity. Read and spread news from credible and legitimate sources only. Stay updated on the status of Coronavirus cases in your country. Most of all, always keep your leaders accountable and speak up. There is strength in numbers. When you are equipped with proper information and when you unite with people under one cause, you are empowered.


- Health is the greatest asset of all time so take care of it especially nowadays that the threat of the virus is very much alive.

Always drink your vitamins. I personally love Conzace because it has Vitamin C, A, and Zinc; A and Zinc are great for immunity and A is great for the skin. I also use Fern-C from time to time; I personally prefer Sodium Ascorbate because I have an acidic stomach and this is mild for me. Immunopro is also one of supplements I take because it is recommended by our physician and it has Vitamin C + Zinc.


- In order to stay healthy, you have to stay protected. Always bring your face shields, face masks, alcohol, wet wipes, and pocket soap/hand wash before going out. I personally use surgical masks most of the time, especially if I will go out and stay primarily outdoors because it's very breathable and cooler for me and a cloth mask if I will go out and stay indoors; helps me minimize the trash I generate too.

I always keep an atomizer bottle of my favorite alcohol brand: either Hygienix, Biogenic, or Green Cross (original green bottle). For wet wipes, I love Sanicare because their sheets are strong and they have antibacterial variants. Finally, for hand soap, I just refill a travel bottle with my favorite BOGO Watsons liquid hand soaps!

For my favorite health care and hygiene brands, you can all get them from Watsons. They're now open in select locations and SM department stores or you can shop these essentials right at the comfort of your  own home through THIS LINK. You can also either pick- up or have your items delivered through Watsons Call and Pick-Up or Call and Delivery service. How convenient!

So those are my top 5 tips on how you can stay strong and stay beautiful in this pandemic. Let's all pray that this will be over soon!

For more information, please visit WATSONS PHILIPPINES on Facebook.

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  1. Thank you for all of these reminders. Sometimes I have forgotten to take care of myself especially when Metro Manila was put in ECQ. I do self- soothing things like listen to relaxing music on this YouTube page called Yellowbrick Cinema. I feel chill and calm after listening to the music.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful reminders. Social media to be honest is draining. You see a lot of good, yet a lot bad ones too. Sometimes it eats your positive energy. I really agree with the first one, taking a break will do something good for us. Staying protected is another thing. We need the right products and the best and affordable yet safe ones if possible. Thank you for sharing as always ❤️

  3. Thanks for sharing about this miss martha ❤️ worth the read


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