Latest Hauls and Discoveries

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog

Just a couple of hauls and cool discoveries of mine over the last two weeks. I've also been working real hard--like 'almost no sleep hard' since August because of the anniversary and now, my business. It's tiring, but we gotta do what we need to do to somehow make the most out of this pandemic.

Here are some stuff from the last couple weeks; some are necessities and one is a treat to myself. <3 I also have a cool new discovery and it's by one of my go- to supermarket brands, Puregold!

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
I've always wanted a steamer, but my problem has always been 1. Steamers are frikkin' expensive. 2. Portable steamers are still too big for my liking. 3. I literally want a handheld steamer that's just the size of a teapot. Because I only iron clothes I will wear the next day; I don't iron a lot in one go.

And ladies and gents, I have found that perfect steamer: Kazumi Handheld Garment steamer. I was browsing Lazada one night and decided to look at steamers this popped up; there are a lot of sellers selling Kazumi, but my concern was the quality and reputation of the brand, and then I saw that Kimstore is selling this item too; that became the deciding factor for me to finally jump the gun and cart out this product because Kimstore is one of my go- to online stores for gadgets; I purchased this from Kimstore in Lazada, btw.

It took a while for me to receive the item. I was so happy when I got this item because the size is exactly what I wanted! It works fine, economical, and very user- friendly. At most, one fill can steam one shirt/dress/pair of jeans, shorts, or slacks, and probably around 4 hankies/undies. I love this to bits and I hope it lasts for years!
Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
I don't know what's up with me, but I'm currently looking for portable stuff and alternatives for the stuff that I always use; it must be because of my situation right now caused by the pandemic: I've been living with my in-laws for the last 6 months and all my stuff-including stuff for filming and all my makeup-are in my husband and I's condo so I have to find alternatives in order to continue with my online work and projects.

One of my work essentials is the ring light. I only have one ring light and I take it to and fro my temporary home and my condo every time I need to use it for work, and it's such a hassle so I decided to buy another one. I chose a portable ring light so I can continue doing livestreams and filming here in our temporary home and at the same time, I can bring it anywhere and it won't take up so much space when it's time for me to move back to the condo.

While browsing for ring lights at Lazada, I came across this portable ring light; the folding feature and super customizable heigh made it a very attractive product for me, plus from P1,999, it was on sale at P839! Sweet!

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
I got the ring light yesterday; I ordered it Monday. Shipping was pretty fast and product was packed properly.

This is the shortest setting for the ring light.

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
This is the tallest setting. It uses LED light with three light settings: warm white, white, and yellow, and has a mobile phone clamp; it only powers up if plugged into a socket. I've used it for two hours straight and I'm happy to report that it doesn't overheat and works fine. I am yet to see how sturdy this product is in the next uses, but right now, I'm just happy I purchased it because it fits all my needs!

If you're interested on which specific online store I got this from, search ALLUCKY INNOVATION on Lazada.

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
I've been meaning to try menstrual cups, but you just have one of those projects that you don't really get to start with, you know what I mean?

Finally, that day has come because Maye Mariano, travel blogger and also, my relative, is a distributor of Intimina Menstrual Cups here in the Philippines. How I got my very first menstrual cup is Maye and I talked about guesting her in Beauty Myth Busters, my new livestream series for October at The Beauty Junkee, and talk about the myths and facts surrounding menstrual cups. Maye was kind enough to send me a menstrual cup sample! I'll be using this once I get my period and I'll surely document my experience. Also, watch out for our livestream next week, October 14!

Now onto my reward!

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
Gentle Monster has been on my radar since January; I like their sunglasses; they're very nice and stylish, but classy at the same time. I've always known that I'll get a Gentle Monster pair, but it's just a matter of what style.

I was supposed to buy my pair during my birthday trip, but the pandemic happened. After the blog anniversary, I decided to finally buy my pair because aside from it's a treat to myself for all the hard work, I already found the Gentle Monster pair that I really like.

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
Here it is! Fresh from South Korea! I was so surprised at how big the box is!

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
I think you already have an idea of what style this is. :D

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
Love the taco- shaped case, but I have to say, it's big. :D

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
Tadaaa! It's the Yoon Seri of CLOY shades or Her 01! I love the classic, oversized style and the frameless design; it not actually frameless, but the actually glasses are just placed on top of the frame. So stylish and classy at the same time, my kind of shades!

Puregold channel kazumi handheld steamer gentle monster yoon seri glasses portable ring light filipina lifestyle blog
And those are my latest hauls and discoveries! Speaking of discovery, I just realized that Puregold, my go- to supermarket for basically anything and everything because of their wide selections and wholesale goods, has finally launched their own channel! PUREGOLD CHANNEL is a variety channel that features cooking shows, game shows hosted by Luis Manzano, and comedy shows by Alex Calleja. Soon enough, Puregold hopes to use this channel as well to widen their e-commerce reach and offer more ways for its consumers to shop at Puregold. Just click HERE to subscribe to their channel now!

Just visit PUREGOLD on Facebook for more details.

How about you? What are your new hauls and discoveries lately?

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  1. Perfect set of hauls. And those shades Ms. Martha. Ganda talaga. 😍


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