The best and my favorite face masks so far

I hate anything that's blocking my face and breathing. If I could walk without as face mask, I would, but that would be irresponsible and I'd get fined too!

So I have no choice, but to wear it and I have made it my life's mission (well, at least for now while we're required to wear this thing) to find the lightest, most breathable, and most tolerable face mask I could find. I've tried a lot and so far, here are the three ones that I consistently use on rotation because aside from they're the most bearable, they don't make me break out as much!

The best and my favorite face masks so far uniqlo airism face mask copper mask morena filipina beauty blog

- The good ol' ER mask. It's the first mask that everyone came to love until different versions came out.

I've tried other mask variants that came shortly after the ECQ was fully imposed, but I would still go back to surgical mask because aside from being lightweight, it's thin, fuss- free, and the fact that it's being used in hospitals makes me feel even more secure when I have it on while out.

At one point, it was sold out EVERYWHERE and I had to go to great lengths just to acquire a box for me and my family that's why I had to prolong the shelf life of one mask from one use to one week; it's a disposable mask and every time you use it, you have to replace it, but it was simply impossible a few months back because of how scarce it was in the market. Also, I HATE the feeling I get every time I have to dispose a surgical mask because I am contributing further to the growing waste problem of planet Earth.

It was good while it lasted, but alas, surgical mask.

The best and my favorite face masks so far uniqlo airism face mask copper mask morena filipina beauty blog

- Perhaps the next most popular mask since surgical masks is the Coppermask.

Copper masks have become a thing in other countries around June and the Philippines, around July. It's literally on the faces of everyone, especially celebrities.

Why is it called as such? Because copper is known to kill viruses and bacteria. There are studies that prove that viruses will only survive between 2-4 hours on a copper surface and longer on others, making copper a potential protection against COVID-19. However though, there hasn't been any conclusive, peer- reviewed research that supports the efficacy of copper in killing viruses and bacteria when blended with other materials. That said, don't rely on this mask alone to protect you from the virus; social distancing, proper hygiene, and education are keys!

I love using this mask because it's sooo lightweight and breathable! Surgical mask is definitely lighter, but Copper Mask is more breathable because of the opening at the bottom of the mask.

To date, this is my most favorite face mask, but one reason why I wouldn't repurchase regularly is the fact that it makes use of disposable filters. Again, environmental waste is a concern.

The best and my favorite face masks so far uniqlo airism face mask copper mask morena filipina beauty blog

- Uniqlo teased the nation with a mask bearing the wonderful material of their popular line, AIRISM, which is breathable and lightweight. I like how sustainable cloth masks are, but truth be told, they're pretty uncomfortable and my maskne started when I switched to cloth masks so I had to revert back to surgical masks until this came along. :/

I love Uniqlo's Airism line because it truly is a very comfortable material and the Airism cloth mask delivered. So far, it's the most tolerable, lightweight, and breathable cloth mask I have tried. A pack of 3 is at around P590 and the colors are black and white and the sizes are S, M, and L.

Uniqlo said that this has antibacterial material and is tested to protect from bacteria, dust, and pollen infiltration. However, it doesn't say anything about protecting you from a virus like COVID-19 so I wouldn't recommend this to high risk individuals such as frontliners.

That's all and thanks for coming to my MASKTalk. :D

What are your favorite face masks?

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  1. I love that camou! 🥰 ER masks for me is the most breatheable too..❤️

  2. Thanks Ms. Martha, I'd still go for surgical mask being the safest to use. Though we have the same feeling when it comes to it's downside. Dagdag sya sa waste problem ng mundo pagkatapos mong gamitin.


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