Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set: The fluffiest, affordable brushes around town!


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OTHER LOCATIONS: Available in Shopee;

Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set review morena filipina beauty blog

Last year, Kind Beauty was kind (time for pun!) enough to send me a sample of their coveted makeup brushes called Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set. I've been seeing this brand online and some of my readers have been asking my opinion about their products, particularly this and their brow products, but I never really got the chance to purchase their stuff because it's either I forget or they're sold out (which means they're really good).

At long last, I now have my hands on this makeup brush set that's well- loved for its buttery smoothness and softness. After trying it out for a couple of times, all I can say is that this is worth the hype and truly worth purchasing, if you don't have a decent makeup brush set yet!
Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set review morena filipina beauty blog
Kind Beauty is a Filipino online beauty brand that got its start from selling The Pomade, a brow pomade that eventually catapulted the brand to local online fame. After the success of their brow pomade comes Head In The Clouds, another best- seller that they have introduced about a year or two ago. Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set is a vegan, cruelty- free brush set made from modern synthetic fibers derived from corn, which gives it a super soft, dense, and smooth quality, as if you're using real animal hair bristles.

The bristles come in a see- through pouch with a paper sleeve, brush guards, and plastic sleeves for the handle. It's not the most ideal packaging for makeup brushes, but it brings down the cost. I would advise you to store it standing up or in a proper makeup brush pouch to maintain the shape of the brushes.

Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set review morena filipina beauty blog
You know what? These babies are indeed soft and fluffy; they're so fluffy, I almost thought that they're made from real animal bristles; you wouldn't normally get this softness and flexibility from synthetic bristles, but this set made me believe that it's possible.

Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set review morena filipina beauty blog
The handles are in a vintage shade of light blue with the phrase BE KIND, a gentle reminder of what we all need to be to each other, not only in this pandemic, but all the time.

The handles feel sturdy and just right for the size of my hands, but if you have big hands though, these may feel small. But it's no biggie though; that's just me.

Kind Beauty Head In The Clouds Makeup Brush Set review morena filipina beauty blog
This is a 12- piece set that has the following brushes. It's a basic, everyday brush set with options that are good enough to give you flawless, well- done daily makeup.

I'm sure you're wondering if these are sturdy and how's the fallout. I've washed these brushes once and did the tugging test and I only got a fallout or two from the brushes, especially the big ones, which is pretty normal shedding. After the initial shedding, I've never experienced it anymore. That goes to show that these are pretty well made and sturdy enough to last you years of usage (as long as you take care of it!)

Overall, these are great, high quality brushes. And love that it's under P1,000 only! The smoothness of the brushes makes it ideal for those with sensitive skin and those who prefer the finish delivered by real animal bristles and want to transition into a cruelty- free option. I highly recommend this set if you're looking at buying your first makeup brush set or you want to replace your old one but without spending too much!

Have you tried these brushes already? What are your thoughts?


Please visit KIND BEAUTY on Facebook for more information.

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  1. Woah I've been seeing this on IG too and joined giveaways with these brushes as prize hihi


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