#TBJTITALIFE: Much ado about washing machines + Win P50,000 worth of prizes from Beko!


In my mother's house, it is important for children to know house chores at a very young age. And it wasn't optional to learn how to do chores; it was mandatory; like a rite of passage or basically my mom's way of telling us "For the most part, no one's gonna help you adult the sh*t out of life so you better learn how to do your goddamn chores." LOL

One of those chores is washing clothes. And I hated it, especially when you do it manually. And my life becomes hell whenever we have to launder the beddings. One night, I raised my head to the heavens, with tears welling on my eyes, I uttered with pure sincerity "LORD PAHINGI WASHING MACHINE".

So life got better and mom was able to afford a washing machine. And the rest is spic and span history.

And now that I'm adult, I can tell you with certainty that it's important to have a washing machine, especially if you're part of a huge household, because it just makes your life so much easier; and a really good washing machine at that, one that not only cleans, but sanitizes as well; we all know how important sanitizing is nowadays.

So after a Beko fridge, I'm thinking of either a standalone cooker or a washing machine Christmas gift for my mom. Beko seems to be reading my mind because here they are with a new washing machine with the new SteamCure Hygiene+ Technology to ensure better washing and cleaning performance.

Celebrities love it such as Kimpoy Feliciano and Dianne Medina-Illustre because aside from it makes cleaning a breeze, it delivers smart, powerful, efficient cleaning too. SteamCure Hygiene+ Technology releases a steam from the bottom of the washing machine's drum to help remove stubborn dirt and stains to lessen the need for a second wash; so that saves you time, electricity, and water too; what's more is this technology helps smooth out wrinkles for easier ironing or even straight up folding for clothes like lounge wear. It also has 15 wash programs for that specific clean!

Beko SteamCure Hygiene+ Washing Machine is now available in all authorized Beko retailers.

Fancy P50,000 worth of prizes from Beko this holiday season? The join Beko's Jingle Maker giveaway. Just visit the link in the poster for the full mechanics. Good luck!

For more information, please visit BEKO PHILIPPINES on Facebook.

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  1. Wow, I need this ng matuwa naman sa akin ang aking Ina! Hahaha, heaven sent talaga ang automatic washing machine lalo na for us na super busy house chores while working from home plus attending to my baby who is so active and kulit to the highest level. Lakas maka achievement unlocked ng adulting level pag zero out na ang labahin!


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