5 Reasons to Take VCO as supplement


5 Reasons to Take VCO as supplement morena filipina lifestyle blog
Coconut is not called the tree of life for nothing and one of its products, Virgin Coconut Oil, has long been a staple in health routines not only locally, but internationally. I remember, when I was about 10 or 11 years old, I would see my grandmother take a a tablespoon of Coconut Oil before she started her day and this was before Coconut and its derivatives became commercialized; I think this is why my grandmother had good skin even in her 80s! Traditional routines indeed hold some powerful secrets to great health and beauty!

So why should you consider taking VCO in your routine? Here are 5 good reasons to take VCO as supplement.

5 Reasons to Take VCO as supplement morena filipina lifestyle blog

1. IT'S A POTENTIAL COVID-19 TREATMENT- studies conducted by DOST last year on VCO as a potential antiviral ingredient and a potential treatment for COVID-19 have shown promising results as it helped ease the symptoms of the disease; a group of individuals who took VCO as supplement have recovered better and never became severe with COVID-19 versus the control group; the study  You could read all about this finding here, but please bear in mind that this study is still ongoing and VCO, at the moment, is still not considered as a treatment for COVID-19. Please practice proper hygiene measures in order to protect yourself from the disease.

2. IT GIVES YOU ENERGY- VCO is a great source of natural energy that's why some would add it to coffee to start their day; fitness enthusiasts would regularly take VCO, especially with coffee before a workout.

3. IT HAS ANTIMICROBIAL BENEFITS- VCO has Lauric Acid, which is found in MCT, a component of VCO, that helps kill microorganisms and various bacteria.

4. IT BOOSTS SKIN'S HEALTH- oil is a naturally- moisturizing ingredient, which may help lubricate the skin from within. It's also used in some medications that help treat atopic dermatitis.

5. A GOOD SOURCE OF ANTIOXIDANTS- VCO has a lot of good antioxidants such as tocopherols, flavonoids, polyphenols, tocotrienols, and phytosterols.

Before, VCO was widely taken orally in oil form. I'm one of those people who don't like taking it in this form and good thing that Growrich came up with a capsule version of this liquid gold!

GROWRICH Virgin Coconut Oil Capsules contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids that are heart-friendly and offer so many other health benefits as well. The recommended dosage for GROWRICH Virgin Coconut Oil Capsules is 1-2 a day, to be taken with meals.


GROWRICH Virgin Coconut Oil Capsules are available at Mercury Drug, Watsons and Southstar Drugstore for Php11.50 per capsule. You may also get them from Shopee (just search GROWRICH Virgin Coconut Oil).

For more information, visit GROWRICH VIRGIN COCONUT OIL CAPSULE on Facebook for more information.

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  1. I am glad that they have VCO in capsule form. I will be glad to try this!


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