TBJ TITA LIFE: Make Healthier Choices with Beko!

 Make Healthier Choices with Beko morena filipina lifestyle blog

World Health Day just happened last week and I wish we should be doing this more often! We should be taking care of our health more especially now that the world is still dealing with the pandemic. The lockdown has changed my life and routine in many ways, and admittedly, I have neglected my health a lot. It's time now for me to go back and start living healthy and moving again-and I should do this soon because I'm not getting any younger!

Healthy living starts with healthier choices and Beko is our partner in choosing healthy everyday.

Beko, one of Europe’s leading appliance brands, believes that humans and the planet are interconnected and healthy living is only possible when the planet is safe and healthy.

In celebration of World Health Day, which carries the theme “Our planet, our health,” Beko is highlighting its healthy product range from refrigerators to washing machines and cooking appliances as it continues to help Filipinos live healthier lifestyles.

In recent times, we have realized how important clean water, air and food, hygienic rooms and clothes are and how crucial it is to our wellbeing that the homes we live in are virus-free.

Because of this, Beko is constantly looking for new technologies that help preserve what nature gave us so people can live healthy and well-balanced lifestyles.

HarvestFresh is Beko's unique crisper drawer technology that uses an innovative three-color light system to mimic the 24-hour sun cycle. This keeps fruits and vegetables in their natural original environment long after they’ve been harvested, preserving the vitamins they contain and freshness for longer.

Beko’s SteamCure Hygiene+ technology in washing machines makes having clean and fresh clothes effortless with the use of steam. SteamCure Hygiene+ works by releasing steam from the bottom of the washing machine’s drum, right before it even starts washing. The steam acts as a pre-treatment, which helps loosen stubborn stains, dirt and other gunk from your garments.

Healthy and good quality meals are guaranteed when you cook like a pro with Beko cookers and ovens. The Beko Steam Oven, for instance, helps retain the flavors of food and keep vegetables crisper and the meat juicier. Steaming also preserve≠–s the nutrients and vitamins in the food.

Beko’s technologies and products help ensure a healthy lifestyle for people while protecting the environment and contributing to a healthier future for the planet and future generations.

“We want our products to be part of Filipinos’ daily lives as we continue to focus on empowering next generations to live healthier lives. Beko is committed to creating products that benefit our customers and have long ranging benefits for the planet,” said Gürhan Günal, Country Manager of Beko Pilipinas Corporation. 

For more information, please visit BEKO PHILIPPINES on Facebook.

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  1. It's nice to read your review about Beko Philippines, alot of interesting products are there is Beko.


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