Rohto Lycée Eye Drops review: Zap tired, red, bloodshot eyes in minutes!

Rohto Lycée Eye Drops review.

PRICE: Around P300.00+
FROM: Japan
OTHER LOCATIONS: Available through local resellers


In the age where screens are no more than a few feet away, red, strained eyes is perhaps one of the biggest common health problems that everyone's experiencing today; I experience it a lot too, most especially after doing a straight 3- hour on my seat, accomplishing work tasks.

It's not good practice to sit in front of laptops and gadgets all day long or even hours on end because it's not healthy--let me endorse that; however, work just most of the time doesn't let that happen and red, bloodshot eyes are most of the time, the result. Red eyes are nasty and they make you look haggard and overworked; I've been to a meeting one time and my client got concerned over me because I had bloodshot eyes from using my laptop!

I found a cool solution in Rohto, one of the Japanese products that picked up some buzz a year or two ago on social media. When I get strained, red/bloodshot eyes, I put a drop or two of this on my eyes and in 20-30 minutes, the redness is gone!

Rohto Lycée Eye Drops features 4 key ingredients that instantly refresh tired eyes and relax capillaries, which ultimately help relieve redness:

Tetrahydrozoline- relieves the redness
Sodium Chrondoitin Sulphate- protects the Cornea and soothes tired eyes
Vitamin B12- relaxes muscles surrounding the eyes
UV Damage care- alleviates UV- caused inflammation

The label suggested 1-3 drops per eye per use and it can be used up to 6 times a day. The number of drops you will use depends on how red, strained, or tired your eyes are, but for me, I normally take about 1-2 drops only; this product has a pretty intense cooling effect that lasts for a couple of seconds; it's actually one of the reasons why I don't go beyond 2 drops because it tends to feel more irritating than soothing.

Rohto Lycée has a rose scent; there's another variant and it's for contact lens wearers; packaging is almost the same as the former, but the bottle comes in a light pink color.

Let's try this one!

Eyes before being treated with Rohto Lycée. Notice that there's a huge bloodshot vein and slightly reddish capillaries almost surrounding the eye. This is coming from a straight 3-hour work sesh on my laptop.

Here's my eye 20 minutes after I put two drops of Rohto Lycée; it relaxed my eyes, gave it a fresher feeling, the cooling effect took out the strain, and the redness in the capillaries have been significantly lessened.

Rohto Lycée is a cool solution to tired, red, bloodshot eyes; I use it all the time, most especially if I have to labor over pitches and blog posts, and after a binge sesh with Netflix. However, if you have existing eye problems or eye redness/eye strain persists and it is making you feel extremely uncomfortable, please seek a physician and don't treat this product as a cure.


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  1. Wow, I want to get one as well .My new job will require me to stay in front of a PC all day. Thanks for sharing Ms Martha


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